Atheists don't realize that atheism is a religion.
Theists instinctively believe that God exists, because they see the universe machine. Machines have makers. Atheists know subconsciously that they see the universe machine, and they instinctively understand that God exists, just like the theists. But they don't like it. So, they try to believe that God doesn't exist, by making many forceful claims that they are atheists. Doing this makes them liars.
I really shouldn't ever engage you...
But for the sake of the watchers.
Atheism can be a religion. Religion, at root, means to bind oneself to a creed. Those few atheists who make the claim that there is no god (strong or positive atheists) are indeed claiming a creed, which makes it (sort of)a religion.
However, the vast majority of us in my experience simply do not believe in a god, which is the very opposite of a religion. We do NOT posit that there is no god, but rather that the proofs presented by theists simply lack sufficient evidence.
I am an atheist. I have no gods, and worship no one.
I'm also a religious man in that I MOST ASSUREDLY have a creed that I try to live by. It has no need of gods, nor would it be heightened or lessened by their putative existence.
I know, from previous go 'rounds with you, that you are a christian. At one time, I, too, believed in that fairy tale. But sooner or later, one must grow up. Belief in the unbelievable doesn't make it true. Christianity, like EVERY OTHER THEISTIC RELIGION OUT THERE, is easily disproven. This does not prove or disprove a god or gods, it merely disproves one postulate of a deity.
The simple truth, which most atheists and all theists understand:
If there was a god that wanted to be worshipped, there would be ZERO chance that this debate would ever exist. An all powerful being that desires to be worshipped would not hide it.