depends on whether he has them set up like how say a bip38 wallet works where the 2fa/pw is needed with the private key or if his 2fa was just some janky shit where you provide the 2fa code to him and he simply transfers you the funds or releases the pk to you.
from what I recall on the redemption process you had to provide him with a BTC address - which prompted me to ask wtf happens with the forks if he only transfers the BTC. He gave some bullshit answer about how he would provide them the forks if they desired or some shit like that.
found the fuckwad's answer:
Redemption will involve Titan sending the BTC associated with a coin to the requested address. There is a security risk posed for all Titan coin owners if we send out the Private Keys for these 2FA coins. To date, I've let people know that we don't have a good solution for distributing forked coins (and there are many forks to consider). We'll revisit that as we get closer to redeeming everything outstanding.
Thanks bud and nice work digging that up. Man, what a fucking scumbag. What's worse is him pushing people to purchase the 2FA coins over the simple private key coins. Stating some bs that it's the safer route.
The fork thing is certainly another big deal and even more reason why creating the 2FA coins were a horrible idea. I'm surprised there wasn't more push back on this.
Has there been any progress with anyone taking legal action? ( Please DM about this as it probably makes more sense to be a bit private answering this).
If we don't take legal action against these makers, then this will just happen again and again, as people seem to still not care about buying funded items, especially one's where the maker forces the funding to be done. It's time both Tim and Yogg get taken to court over this. Set a precedent. If I had any Titan 2FA's I'd absolutely have sought legal council.