Actually it was far worse than that (was looking in this thread for some posts about a different issue I'm PMing BCB about).
Usagi basically said 'If another of CPA's debtors defaults then CPA will have nothing left'
This, perhaps? actually have an archived copy of the full comment by usagi that quote is from, if anyone's interested.
Edit: Someone else has
quoted the whole thing here (Also, notice how usagi's renamed the thread to have the very informative and easy to locate title of "post".)
Then a few days later usagi actually boasted about how some investors had sold CPA shares very cheaply and he'd bought them - and made some derogatory remark about people panicking for no reason and that things weren't as bad as they might look: totally ignoring that they'd only panicked becase HE said there was good reason to. I never raised this as a scam issue - had just treated is as one of the emo sessions usagi has every few days.
Not sure where you might find that though, sorry.
Yeah looks very familiar. I remember being amazed at part of it - the following sentence:
"it's basically come down to, if the last 2 people I invested money with can't pay back, there will be no way to hide or avoid the losses, and CPA's net value will go to zero."
What amazed me was the admission that he'd happily hide losses if he could - he talks about "there will be no way to hide or avoid the losses" as though hiding losses is a perfectly acceptable way to do things. But then comes here and talks about transparency.
There was also this:'s an accusation that usagi failed to pay for services requested. Post 7 (they're PMs sent by usagi) is of relevance:
Unfortunately Pirate's BTCS&T just blew up. As an insurance company we're launching all zigs. I have to stop this. I am not going to be able to use any of the designs, and we might go under.
Sorry o_o it was a bad time for us to get into the insurance business, right before pirate collapsed :>"
So at that point there was a PM from usagi quoted in which usagi said CPA might go under - small wonder then if some investors panicked. As an amusing aside, usagi's debt there was paid by Matthew N Wright - who later scammed loads of people (including usagi) with the pirate bet.
Note also this from the last post in the thread :
"I am not going to be able to use any of the designs, and we might go under." - claims on August 18th CPA may go under (or is it some other insurance company he runs?)
But on Aug 23rd says to CPA investors:
"In the event of a full pirate default, NYAN.C will loose out, and CPA holds NYAN which holds NYAN.C. Then we have contracts on the outside as well. All in all CPA will remain very solvent, it may lose 20% of it's value in a full default. But we stands just as ready to gain 20% if pirate doesn't default." - it will remain very solvent.
Confused yet? You will be, because usagi was telling Nyan investors a few days later :
In fact if you believe Pirate will pay back, like we do, this is a nice time
to start accumulating NYAN.C.
So someone he owed money to was told they couldn't be paid because of pirate - yet a week or so later he's telling nyan he believes pirate will repay (so, surely he should have been telling his creditor that payment might be a bit late whilst he waiting for pirate to process withdrawals - not that CPA may go bust). Was there ANYONE who became MORE confident pirate would pay as time passed?
Telling ANYONE that your company may go bust (especially if you don't believe it will) is shockingly bad - let alone someone you're trying to stiff on a debt who will then go and post it in scammer forum.
If you read the "post" thread you'll find other amusing stuff. Like someone pointing out that usagi's spreadsheet showed over a 40% exposure to pirate when the contract for CPA didn't allow more than 20%. Usagi's response? That the spreadsheet hand't been updated and that exposure was only 20-25%. Followed, of course, a few days later by an announcement that losses would be 40%+ at a minimum (and more as some debtors were going to default). Was the spreadsheet really out of date - or was it accurately reflecting pirate exposure above the level it was allowed to have by contract? A week AFTER pirate's default became apparent would usagi REALLY be making posts about the level of exposure his company had to pirate without updating the spreadsheet that calculated it? Wouldn't you think that would rather obviously be a piece of information investors would like to have SOME degree of relevance given the situation and which you'd keep up to date?
etc etc etc