You need to understand that your attitude has a LOT to with where you are. It certainly has a LOT to do with how doggedly I've pursued the issue.
I can admit that. Maybe I'll try to make a change now.
Your response - and the attitude you had - convinced me there was something very dubious going on.
So maybe next time you call someone a noob and tell them to get lost you may want to reflect on just how well that tactic worked on me.
...then you are admitting you have no evidence. Look, I'm sorry I called you a noob. But that does not make me a scammer. Right now I'm a little unsure of how I should proceed with this. BCB screwed this up very badly; I've asked some people I respect for some advice. I'll get back to you. Till then, what do you think of the settlement idea that has been discussed?
As for BCB.....
First, to augustocroppo, thank you. On many levels.
I'm just another guy on the internet with a very strong opinion.
Just like assholes. We all have one!
You can quote all the latin you like.
You too are entitled to your opinion
No, the latin he is quoting is not technically an opinion. You are showing a lack of education. This is something I know because I went to a very good school when I was growing up in rural Canada. The latin is referring to the principles of debate. For example, the sort of stuff you might find on or -- not an opinion.
This is the same principle of the founding of the U.S.A. as "...a nation of laws, not men."
It is not an opinion, for example, that when you accuse me of "sperging", that you are using
emotional language, which is a dishonest debate tactic.
Emotional Language
(1) The use of emotionally toned words (pp 10-25)
Approach: Translate the statement into words emotionally neutral[url][/url]I am saying this to mean, I'm constantly suprised by people. I must not get out much. Augustocroppo is suprising me greatly as are you, constantly. I feel I owe him something for educating me on critical thinking, not just for showing me there's still decent human beings out there. See, I am old -- into middle age by now for sure -- and although I know a great deal it comes at the cost of forgetting some things temporarily. One of the things I have forgotten recently is how important debate skills are and how important critical thinking is.
You see, there is ad hominem, which is what you do when you say I am delusional, and then there is pointing out that you are being dishonest in your tactics. I have so far been unwilling to do this because I've been trying to be kind. But after months, and seeing how effective augutocroppo was in getting you to admit the charge of misrepresenting how I value assets was, I'm beginning to realize; K. and D. are right. I need to change my attitude.
Can't say I didn't learn something new. That is important in our lives, I believe, to be able to learn new things without restraint.
We have again and again asked usagai simple questions and he can not answer.
He spurges.
See? There, is some
ad hominem (another one of those latin terms!) and some emotional language. "The reason that many Latin phrases are used in the analysis of argument is because most of the work of determining how best to analyze arguments was done by medieval philosophers who wrote in Latin. The idea that the medieval period was some kind of "dark age" where nothing of intellectual value happened is just plain false. Latin phrases are not magical incantations, nor are they themselves influential in a debate. You could describe what is wrong with someone's argument in English, or you could use the Latin phrase as a kind of abbreviation. These latin phrases that still take part in our language are just used for brevity, e.g. it's easier to type 'e.g.', which stands for "exemplia gratia" and translates to "for a good example" than it is to type "for a good example". - think what you are really trying to say is I provide a lot of information. Well I'm sorry if you have trouble reading it, but I am a native speaker from the country; we talk a lot and we like to express ourselves. I'm also a 20-year usenet veteran. Honestly, if you don't like it, may I suggest taking some English classes? I am not criticizing your English, I am suggesting you need to learn how native people express themselves. You know, get used to it a bit. Accusing me of sperging when it's obvious you are having issues with basic spelling and grammar, and therefore are likely not a native speaker, is a little weird. What, you want a TL; DR? Okay here it is: You have obvious problems with comprehension because your English really is that bad. I've been putting up with it for quite some time but it's actually become annoying how you jump to conclusions and demand every little detail and then turn around and show a shocking lack of respect for
intellectually honest debate.Yes, it really is that bad.
He answers questions he was not asked.
Many Many community members have accused him of many many thing.
You are the only one who has come to his defense. And to me it seems you are more interested in attacking me then defending usagi.
You are lying. Stochastic came to my defense. As did many others which you must surely have seen. The problem is, that it's a one in five phenomenon. The trolls are interested in outshouting EVERYONE. So when the odd person speaks up -- like Luceo for example, it gets buried.
I respect your opinion and you too are entitled to it. But I don't agree with it.
Please I BEG you prove usgai is not a scammer and make this all go away.
Until then I continue to hold that Usgai is a scammer.
Do what you want. I no longer consider you credible. That makes me sad. But, please, continue to update your locked thread. I promise I will get through it all -- at least until it becomes morbidly ridiculous to answer. I guess we will see what happens.