Just to address the first point - no, BMF wouldn't be forced to continue paying money if the claim had been made and settled when it first should have. Reason is that after a few payments of 100 BTC from CPA, CPA would have gone broke. At that stage CPA would no longer be able to honour its end of the contract (providing cover) so no future premiums would be due.
I get what you are saying but as I have said I would have stepped in personally no, CPA would not release it's title under the contract. I just wouldn't allow it to happen.
Moving to the issue of settlement this is where it all gets really silly.
Then don't get silly and just take the chance to move on. You said:
Settlement should be discussed with BMF investors - not here really.
But here's where it comes down to something I don't know for sure: what's the forum's policy on scammer tags? If pirate came back and settled with everyone would his tag be removed (not claiming your behaviour is on same scale as pirate's - just talking about the principle)? If forum policy is that tags are removed when settlement is made then I'd agree that if you settle no tag should be given for it. If, on the other hand, policy is that once it's proven someone scammed they keep the tag forever then a tag should be awarded irrespective of whether settlement occurs or not. Not my call - and I'm not convinced there's even a consistent policy on it.
I agree. Let me the time alone to make reparations to my shareholders, for example
here, and in the soon-to-be announced settlement offer. Additionally please stop clamoring for a scammer tag in such a noisy fashion at least until I have paid investors back and reached a settlement.
I've called Ian and apologized and that end of things is over.
I've apologized to vampire and he has agreed that end of things is over.
Some but not all of the things puppet said to me he has retracted, such as misvaluing hardware.
It's been shown I was not guilty of misrepresenting how I valued assets in one case.
At this point it's my personal belief you are just harming the process. Let me be to resolve my issues with my shareholders and then if you want you can be as vocal as you want about getting me a scammer tag. Please see
this post. I have a lot of work to do without having to defend myself here, as you've said,
some but possibly not
all of the accusations are frivolous. If you have evidence give it to BCB. Does that idea seem like it will be a good way of resolving this?