If I have to put my money somewhere and that site says something along the lines, 'We can change terms at our will, you may not be notified, it's your responsibility to check for updates in terms regularly" — I'll get outta there.
Casino usually update their ToS but the case of this thread is very rare to happened which the update is to use against its customers. Casino that do this kind of cheat are those who don’t have any reputation to protect.
I think any shady casino will force the users to agree with the ToS even if they are against the will or you can say against the rights of the users. The casinos that update their ToS without the knowledge of its users is somehow doing cheating with the users because the new conditions can be really tricky and most of the users may not even know about the updated ToS because only few people read ToS after initial agreement.
I say one thing, whenever we are going to enter a casino they make us sign or accept the initial terms and conditions, but unless it is said in those Tos, that when you enter the platform, the Tos will be changed, that is something else, but in the case that the Tos are changed, each player must be asked to accept the new Tos, that is the most common, the most logical and the most honest, I say that it should be done, there is no ota, in not the chaos, because things would be totally violated, that is what should be, whoever tells me that the Tos are changed at all times for the convenience of the casino, that does not work for me and that is my way of thinking, no I think I'm wrong for thinking like that.
In fact, when we sign any contract, those terms do not fit because that is a violation of the contract, it is a violation of what is contracted, because we as players cannot change things in a casino, because then things get ugly For the player who is even seen as a scammer, then I think things should be totally transparent, because if not, then don't say that they have to accept the Tos, otherwise they're going to Respect it , that doesn't make any kind of Sense to me.
Now, having said these things, I don't Know , it may be that there are people who don't care if they don't care, but in my case I do care, because it's money that is at stake, and the most likely thing is that in Those changes are the one who loses out is the player , it's always like that.
I had seen the case of a casino where they had a good Referral Program , and it has been very successful, but now it turns out that these Tos are combined and people do not earn the same as before, that is, all the work that was previously done is no longer It's no use because obviously people now earn Less, because the casino takes a Percentage from them of what they Earn , so that's not playing fair, it's okay that the casino has the right to win all the time , but not in a such a cheeky way, when you see a Casino like this I don't play or Recommend it.