The argument they provide is as follow, ''we are entertainers/performers''. This need to be stopped. I am creating this thread to discuss such issues and to warn other new comers about the potential loss. If you have found such streamers please post here so that it can be helpful for new players to make realistic decisions.
Arent these things are part of a marketing strategy and this is the most common or known where advertisers or streamers out there been paid up to promote such site and obviously
using up sponsored money by the house itself?This had been known and been obvious.Why would talking about stopping it? What for?
These arent illegal things for you to mandate that it should be stopped.Yes, its deceptive but as a viewer you can eventually tell that its not their money.
Also, you do have the will neither you do play or not if you do find it out.Its their money and its none of our business if they would tend to play or not once they do saw those gameplay.