
Topic: What do you do to calm down you're anger? - page 5. (Read 17473 times)

Activity: 3990
Merit: 1385
February 12, 2019, 06:11:41 PM
I force myself to remember that anger as such doesn't achieve anything good. Then I focus on turning my anger into determinated resolve. Of course I forgive anybody who drove me to the anger in the first place, because being angry at someone doesn't accomplish anything without logical, determinated resolve. So, forgive him, and resolve to be better, and to put yourself into a position where you can't be hurt.

full member
Activity: 203
Merit: 101
February 12, 2019, 04:07:04 PM
go for a run, listen to music, go for a drive
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
February 11, 2019, 11:27:32 AM
Лyчший cпocoб ни гнeвaтьcя - этo cмoтpeть нa пapaмaйнинг
Cмoтpитe мoй poлик нa ютyбe пoд нaзвaниeм:
И любoй гнeв кaк pyкoй cнимeт!!!
Activity: 66
Merit: 0
February 07, 2019, 06:47:30 AM
The best way to overcome anger, stop in time, or give yourself a crack. Or go to the gym and work out well there with iron, negative energy comes out very well.
Activity: 47
Merit: 0
February 07, 2019, 03:15:54 AM
It is difficult for me to fight with anger, I often splash it out to the surface, but when a person who causes anger is dear to me, I still hold back. In general, when annoyed, you want to beat all the dishes, and then you realize: what is your wallet's fault?))) Then you need to buy something new. And stop! Ouchshe always calm down - exhale and everything, so you do not regret all your life about what was done. Wink
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
February 07, 2019, 12:44:40 AM
I think about the negative things that i'll attract and if i attract those my life would be mess
Activity: 27
Merit: 0
February 04, 2019, 07:27:09 AM
I leave all my anger in the gym, especially when someone annoys me, I go to beat a punching bag with my fists.
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
In order to remove the anger, you need something to distract. For me, the best way is to watch a movie or listen to music. Of course you can have your own methods. But the meaning is the same.
Activity: 3990
Merit: 1385
Trust in God. Romans 8:28:
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Activity: 109
Merit: 0
I just go to sleep or watch some series but I definitely need to have some time on my own
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
I listen to music. It really helps
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
Go take a walk. I normally remove myself from the situation which is causing me the anger and return later once I've cooled down.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Take a few deep breaths
Activity: 126
Merit: 0
Music has proved to work well for me. Well, maybe some wine can't hurt as well... (or stronger spirits  Wink )
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
¡Hola! Pues a mi me calma mucho leer, últimamente me ha dado por leer blogs sobre psicología infantil porque tengo a un peque y me estresa mucho a veces. Leer testimonios de otras mamas me hace ver que no soy tan mala madre y que es mejor controlar mis enfados para no inculcarle algo malo.
Ser mama no es tarea facil y a veces nos saca de nuestras casillas, pero merece la pena
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
Чтoбы oтвлeчьcя, я нaчинaю зaпиcывaть нoвый poлик для cвoeгo кaнaлa нa ютyбe.
Booбщe тo caмый лyчший cпocoб - этo paбoтa - paбoтa в pyнeтe.
пpocмoтpитe oдин из мoиx poликoв - Oцeнитe !!!
B poликe пoкaзывaю кaк зapaбoтaлa нa кpиптoмoнeтe Prizm нa пyтёвкy в Typцию
И пpoвeлa зaмeчaтeльныe 14 днeй , пoтpaтив 6000$
HO пyтёвкa блaгoдapя Prizm - oбoшлacь мнe coвepшeннo бecплaтнo!!!

Ecли нe yмeeтe дeлaть poлики вникнитe в cyть poликa - вoзмoжнo зaинтepecyeтecь тeмaми кoтopыe я ocвeщaю нa cвoём кaнaлe.
Цeль зapaбoтaть - ни зaвиceть ни oт кoгo - дaёт мнe cилы для  paбoты нaд coбoй и cвoими эмoциями.
Caмoдocтaтoчнocть пpиxoдит тoгдa, кoгдa вы caми зapaбaтывaeтe и зapaбaтывaeтe мнoгo, тoгдa ни тpeплитe нepвы cвoeй втopoй пoлoвинкe. Этo oчeнь вaжнo. Baши дpyзья, близкиe и знaкoмыe мeняют к вaм cвoё oтнoшeниe. И eщё oчeнь мнoгo плюcoв кoгдa вы caми ceбя чyвcтвyeтe нa вepшинe cвoбoды oт вcex и oт вceгo.
Activity: 92
Merit: 0
I usually think of happy thoughts in order to lower the level of anger and stress!
Activity: 3990
Merit: 1385
Force myself to become so enraged that it wears me out, and the anger goes away.

Activity: 80
Merit: 0
Me time. I try to vent out to a friend and get enough sleep.
Activity: 64
Merit: 0
I walk away and breath some fresh air.
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