As much as I believe in equal rights, gambling does not suit a woman to be honest, and like I always have said here and will continue to say, I will not marry a woman who gambles, even if I myself gambles, and even if we are already married before I discovered that she gambles, she will have to stop it immediately or I just assume she not ready for marriage.
Like I said before, I believe in equal rights, but the fact remains that there are things that are better suited for men to do and there are other things that see better suited for women to do, and when it comes to gambling, gambling is a man's thing and not for women when they are married, a married woman should not gamble even if she gambled when she was single, she should understand that life when single is different from life when married.
Quite a contradiction there if you are indeed in for equal rights. Though, I understand it must be frustrating to be married to a woman who is also a gambler. Though, you also need to keep in mind that when we are married, the relation is supposed to function as a team work. The woman does her part and so does the man, however, When we talk about women being restricted from gambling what comes to my mind is the fact they usually have more domestics work than the man, and which the man and the children depends on.
If the woman gest addicted to gambling or dedicates much time to it, then she may not have enough time to take care of her family and children, even if the man provides. It is quite a very tough situation to be in, specially when comes from someone who believes in the equality of men and women.
I would be willing to sacrifice most of my gambling time if she does the same and we decided to do other things with our spare time, for the sake of the household finances mostly.
By the way, if you don't mind me to ask. Is this a common way of thinking in your country (the fact women are not supposed to gamble while married) or is rather a personal believe you have adopted by yourself through the years, does it have some roots within your local religious practices?