
Topic: Why do Atheists Hate Religion? - page 132. (Read 901342 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
October 17, 2016, 05:54:35 PM

The nature of the machine universe suggests that God exists as the Maker of the universe. Machines have makers.

Originally, the devil, before he willingly converted himself into a devil, was given much power and beauty, along with a specific job, from God Who created him. Instead of thanking and honoring God, he chose to become a devil.

The devil, before he converted himself was beautiful. So after converting he became ugly I guess? And now he spreads ugliness like he himself has become, right? I'm wondering, when thinking about this devilish being, being ugly and all, if he is not, in the context of your descriptive idea (of the universe as a machine made by God), a spanner in the works? Then according to your description he can't be a spanner in the works. He is an integral gear or something similar. But the gear can change itself, its position, its function? to become something completely different? And now the machine is fu**ed right? Lots of ugly machine parts after that horrific accidental change. And not engineered by the Great Machine Maker right? It was the stupid gear that decided it wanted rather to become a spanner in the works, or not?

While I don't understand what you mean by the wording you use, it is true that the whole universe has become corrupted. In fact, its corruption wasn't just a little corruption off in some insignificant corner. Its corruption is so great that it should have collapsed with a roaring crash, right at the first sin in the Garden.

But, for His own purposes, and for His love of mankind, God has held the universe in place for a time. He has been holding it in place by His strength rather than by the operations of the physics of the universe, which operations have been corrupted by the first sin, and could therefore hold it in place no longer.

God is holding the universe in place for people to be born and live for a time. That time is long enough for them to seek God and be on His side, if they are going to seek Him, that is. God wants people. God wants people to willingly be His people. If they don't want God, they will ultimately lose their life at the end of their eternal stay in Hell.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
October 17, 2016, 05:42:56 PM
Get rid of atheist nuts. Their atheism pollutes our children. Their stupidity is in school textbooks. Get rid of them.

Here is how to get rid of them. First, pray to God that they will convert to religion. Next, show them how stupid atheism is. Third, offer them the chance to leave the community. Fourth, brand them as the heretics they are.

I don't know why you dislike us atheist nuts so much BADecker, but if you really want to get rid of us it should be rather easy - just pray to your God to take away free-will.  Grin

Something like getting rid of atheists is a lot more complex that anybody thinks about.

First, my prayer was that atheists change. And while I didn't state it directly, they should be gotten rid of by their becoming theists. Why should atheists become theists? Because of love for atheists, so that they have a chance to live.

When God made the universe and people, He put His own God strength into it. To instantly change things would take God turning from a direction in which He had been going full force. This is why the devil and atheists barely nudge God.

God is doing things His way. He is getting rid of the atheists his way. He is working to change atheists into theists. But if they don't change... all people die. So, God is getting rid of the atheists.

You might say that God is getting rid of the theists this way, as well. And it seems like it, doesn't it. But in the resurrection where all people will arise from death, there will be no atheists, because all people will then recognize that it was God Who raised them.

At that time, the free will will be gone. Nobody will have the ability to change his mind at that time. The theists will be locked into their mindset favoring God. The atheists will be locked into their mindset that is against God. God will get rid of His enemies in Hell.

So basically in your belief, atheists get blessed with eternal life as well, they just get to spend it in Hell rather than in Heaven. Sounds like your God and the Devil have a pact if this is your belief, as your God is dictating to the Devil who goes to Hell rather than the Devil getting to decide. Poor Devil, he still has to exist under God's rule instead of getting to prove how much stronger than God he is. So much for setting up his own shop and supposedly luring all us unsuspecting souls.

I also find it interesting that someone who does not believe in you (God) makes them your enemy. So much for the love and forgiveness of your God as spoken of in the New Testament.

^^^  Exactly!!!   Hahahaha

They cannot practice what they preach.

The fact that you jokers pick on me when I explain the truth to you, shows that you are just like the evil that you speak against me.

God gave you your whole life. He allows food and clothing and enjoyment to come your way. You could do none of this for yourselves if God did not set it into the universe for you. And then all you can do is talk bad against God?

If you did great goodness to someone, and all he did was ridicule you and do bad to you, wouldn't you punish him? Wouldn't you at least take the good things you gave, back? Would you feel good about what he did to you, especially if you went through a tremendous amount of pain to do the good things for him?

You jokers are entirely whacked in your thinking. If you don't change, God WILL take your good things from you. He will even take the best thing from you that you have... your SELF... and you will roast in Hell, forever.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
October 17, 2016, 05:34:58 PM

These children don't have the ability to reject Jesus in them. Though they have pain for a while now, in the New Universe god will give them great glory. Their pain, now, lasts only for a very short time. Their glory, then, will last forever.

None of this is because the children are good or righteous. If they were good or righteous, they would lift themselves out of their deplorable condition.

Nor is it because God did it to them. God, in His desire to be gracious has given freedom to all people. Some people have used their freedom to cause children to be harmed. If they don't repent, God will punish them greatly for the evil and harm they have done.

It's about time that you wake up and see the Truth about God. No matter what you think about Him, He is righteous in His thinking about you. If He finds that you are His enemy - even if it is simply by trying to shut Him out of your life - you will be punished as your deeds deserve.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
October 17, 2016, 05:26:04 PM

It's clear that OP has constructed his own cobbled-together religion.

Let's call it BADism.


I get the felling, a little, that you are calling me OP. What is your definition of OP?

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
October 17, 2016, 05:22:39 PM
If a person was born in a single 12ft square room and stayed in that room all their life, the only knowledge of the outside world was what was given to them by their capturer, would God send that person to hell for not seeking salvation in Jesus? Even if he/she knew nothing of it? Never even heard of Jesus or the bible?
Any Christian with an ounce of common sense would reply "no". Or they would be forced to admit their God is unjust.

Trouble is, by replying with a "no", the bamboozled Christian has just shot him/herself in the foot.
If Christians really cared about people going to heaven or not, why tell others about salivation in the first place which removes the initial guarantee of heaven? Everything was running smoothly, till they came along and spolt it by opening their gob.

Let's have an analogy:
Person A is asleep.
Person B cuts person A's brakelines on his car whilst he's asleep.
In the morning person A gets in their car unaware of the delibrate brake issue.
Person B rushes over waving their arms, warning person A the brakes look dodgy and he will crash the car. Lucky he came to "save" him.
Person A ignores this fruitcake, drives off and crashes into a tree and dies.
Person B shrugs their shoulders, "should of listen to me when I tried to save you" he tells himself.

Now obviously person B in this scenaro is the Christian "saving" person A, who didn't need "saving" in the first place till they spread their evil. Guess who works for the devil...  Wink

If Christians never went around telling everyone about salivation in the first place, then no-one would goto hell. Pure evil.

The problem with your line of thought is, as the Bible says, in Jesus all things hold together.

When the sperm meets the egg and forms a new fetus, it is Jesus holding that fetus together. Then as the fetus grows, it is Jesus causing it to grow and hold together. When the much-larger fetus attaches to the uterine wall, it is Jesus causing it to attach. As the embryo grows, it is Jesus causing it to grow. When all the bio-electrics in the embryo fill it's new, little brain with the feel for what is going on, it is Jesus causing the bio-electrics and the feel. Jesus acts throughout the formation of the baby, and on into its childhood.

In early childhood, the child is given more and more control over what it thinks and how it reacts. That control was originally entirely Jesus. But it gradually becomes the new person. Then, if the person rejects Jesus in His life, he simply does it. But if he could do it completely, he would die.

The point? Everybody knows about Jesus. The babies know Him much better than the adults do... adults who have pushed so much of Jesus out of their lives that they have to relearn Him from the Bible.

Turn and relearn Him, now, while you have the chance, before you push Him completely out of your life, and die the everlasting death.

Activity: 1652
Merit: 1016
October 17, 2016, 03:27:21 PM
If a person was born in a single 12ft square room and stayed in that room all their life, the only knowledge of the outside world was what was given to them by their capturer, would God send that person to hell for not seeking salvation in Jesus? Even if he/she knew nothing of it? Never even heard of Jesus or the bible?
Any Christian with an ounce of common sense would reply "no". Or they would be forced to admit their God is unjust.

Trouble is, by replying with a "no", the bamboozled Christian has just shot him/herself in the foot.
If Christians really cared about people going to heaven or not, why tell others about salivation in the first place which removes the initial guarantee of heaven? Everything was running smoothly, till they came along and spolt it by opening their gob.

Let's have an analogy:
Person A is asleep.
Person B cuts person A's brakelines on his car whilst he's asleep.
In the morning person A gets in their car unaware of the delibrate brake issue.
Person B rushes over waving their arms, warning person A the brakes look dodgy and he will crash the car. Lucky he came to "save" him.
Person A ignores this fruitcake, drives off and crashes into a tree and dies.
Person B shrugs their shoulders, "should of listen to me when I tried to save you" he tells himself.

Now obviously person B in this scenaro is the Christian "saving" person A, who didn't need "saving" in the first place till they spread their evil. Guess who works for the devil...  Wink

If Christians never went around telling everyone about salivation in the first place, then no-one would goto hell. Pure evil.

Activity: 2296
Merit: 1126
October 17, 2016, 01:00:58 PM

It's clear that OP has constructed his own cobbled-together religion.

Let's call it BADism.

Activity: 1652
Merit: 1016
October 17, 2016, 12:58:39 PM
Activity: 2296
Merit: 1126
October 17, 2016, 12:56:03 PM
Get rid of atheist nuts. Their atheism pollutes our children. Their stupidity is in school textbooks. Get rid of them.

Here is how to get rid of them. First, pray to God that they will convert to religion. Next, show them how stupid atheism is. Third, offer them the chance to leave the community. Fourth, brand them as the heretics they are.

I don't know why you dislike us atheist nuts so much BADecker, but if you really want to get rid of us it should be rather easy - just pray to your God to take away free-will.  Grin

Something like getting rid of atheists is a lot more complex that anybody thinks about.

First, my prayer was that atheists change. And while I didn't state it directly, they should be gotten rid of by their becoming theists. Why should atheists become theists? Because of love for atheists, so that they have a chance to live.

When God made the universe and people, He put His own God strength into it. To instantly change things would take God turning from a direction in which He had been going full force. This is why the devil and atheists barely nudge God.

God is doing things His way. He is getting rid of the atheists his way. He is working to change atheists into theists. But if they don't change... all people die. So, God is getting rid of the atheists.

You might say that God is getting rid of the theists this way, as well. And it seems like it, doesn't it. But in the resurrection where all people will arise from death, there will be no atheists, because all people will then recognize that it was God Who raised them.

At that time, the free will will be gone. Nobody will have the ability to change his mind at that time. The theists will be locked into their mindset favoring God. The atheists will be locked into their mindset that is against God. God will get rid of His enemies in Hell.

So basically in your belief, atheists get blessed with eternal life as well, they just get to spend it in Hell rather than in Heaven. Sounds like your God and the Devil have a pact if this is your belief, as your God is dictating to the Devil who goes to Hell rather than the Devil getting to decide. Poor Devil, he still has to exist under God's rule instead of getting to prove how much stronger than God he is. So much for setting up his own shop and supposedly luring all us unsuspecting souls.

I also find it interesting that someone who does not believe in you (God) makes them your enemy. So much for the love and forgiveness of your God as spoken of in the New Testament.

^^^  Exactly!!!   Hahahaha

They cannot practice what they preach.
sr. member
Activity: 441
Merit: 278
It's personal
October 17, 2016, 12:52:07 PM

The nature of the machine universe suggests that God exists as the Maker of the universe. Machines have makers.

Originally, the devil, before he willingly converted himself into a devil, was given much power and beauty, along with a specific job, from God Who created him. Instead of thanking and honoring God, he chose to become a devil.

The devil, before he converted himself was beautiful. So after converting he became ugly I guess? And now he spreads ugliness like he himself has become, right? I'm wondering, when thinking about this devilish being, being ugly and all, if he is not, in the context of your descriptive idea (of the universe as a machine made by God), a spanner in the works? Then according to your description he can't be a spanner in the works. He is an integral gear or something similar. But the gear can change itself, its position, its function? to become something completely different? And now the machine is fu**ed right? Lots of ugly machine parts after that horrific accidental change. And not engineered by the Great Machine Maker right? It was the stupid gear that decided it wanted rather to become a spanner in the works, or not?
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
October 17, 2016, 10:22:28 AM
Get rid of atheist nuts. Their atheism pollutes our children. Their stupidity is in school textbooks. Get rid of them.

Here is how to get rid of them. First, pray to God that they will convert to religion. Next, show them how stupid atheism is. Third, offer them the chance to leave the community. Fourth, brand them as the heretics they are.

I don't know why you dislike us atheist nuts so much BADecker, but if you really want to get rid of us it should be rather easy - just pray to your God to take away free-will.  Grin

Something like getting rid of atheists is a lot more complex that anybody thinks about.

First, my prayer was that atheists change. And while I didn't state it directly, they should be gotten rid of by their becoming theists. Why should atheists become theists? Because of love for atheists, so that they have a chance to live.

When God made the universe and people, He put His own God strength into it. To instantly change things would take God turning from a direction in which He had been going full force. This is why the devil and atheists barely nudge God.

God is doing things His way. He is getting rid of the atheists his way. He is working to change atheists into theists. But if they don't change... all people die. So, God is getting rid of the atheists.

You might say that God is getting rid of the theists this way, as well. And it seems like it, doesn't it. But in the resurrection where all people will arise from death, there will be no atheists, because all people will then recognize that it was God Who raised them.

At that time, the free will will be gone. Nobody will have the ability to change his mind at that time. The theists will be locked into their mindset favoring God. The atheists will be locked into their mindset that is against God. God will get rid of His enemies in Hell.

So basically in your belief, atheists get blessed with eternal life as well, they just get to spend it in Hell rather than in Heaven. Sounds like your God and the Devil have a pact if this is your belief, as your God is dictating to the Devil who goes to Hell rather than the Devil getting to decide. Poor Devil, he still has to exist under God's rule instead of getting to prove how much stronger than God he is. So much for setting up his own shop and supposedly luring all us unsuspecting souls.

I also find it interesting that someone who does not believe in you (God) makes them your enemy. So much for the love and forgiveness of your God as spoken of in the New Testament.

Originally, the devil, before he willingly converted himself into a devil, was given much power and beauty, along with a specific job, from God Who created him. Instead of thanking and honoring God, he chose to become a devil.

It is a similar thing with people. Jesus salvation paved the way for people to have eternal life. It is the choice of the people to be in favor of God or against Him.

People who are stubborn in the direction they choose, are locked into it by God. This is called predestination or election by God for the believers. And wile God doesn't have a predestination to Hell for the unbelievers, the more they ask for unbelief by exercising it in themselves, the more God grants it to them... because He is a giving God.

As long as you continue to attempt to twist God into something evil, you are essentially asking for God to strengthen your evil way in yourself. But even if this were not the case, we all know that practice makes perfect(ish). The more you indulge being against God, the greater will be your strength to be against Him.

God might slap you up side of the head in some traumatic way that wakes you up to Him. And for your good, let's hope that He does. But there are many who disregard even this kind of warning from God. How much are you really against Him? How far are you really willing to go? All the way to Hell?

sr. member
Activity: 337
Merit: 258
October 17, 2016, 09:22:24 AM
Get rid of atheist nuts. Their atheism pollutes our children. Their stupidity is in school textbooks. Get rid of them.

Here is how to get rid of them. First, pray to God that they will convert to religion. Next, show them how stupid atheism is. Third, offer them the chance to leave the community. Fourth, brand them as the heretics they are.

I don't know why you dislike us atheist nuts so much BADecker, but if you really want to get rid of us it should be rather easy - just pray to your God to take away free-will.  Grin

Something like getting rid of atheists is a lot more complex that anybody thinks about.

First, my prayer was that atheists change. And while I didn't state it directly, they should be gotten rid of by their becoming theists. Why should atheists become theists? Because of love for atheists, so that they have a chance to live.

When God made the universe and people, He put His own God strength into it. To instantly change things would take God turning from a direction in which He had been going full force. This is why the devil and atheists barely nudge God.

God is doing things His way. He is getting rid of the atheists his way. He is working to change atheists into theists. But if they don't change... all people die. So, God is getting rid of the atheists.

You might say that God is getting rid of the theists this way, as well. And it seems like it, doesn't it. But in the resurrection where all people will arise from death, there will be no atheists, because all people will then recognize that it was God Who raised them.

At that time, the free will will be gone. Nobody will have the ability to change his mind at that time. The theists will be locked into their mindset favoring God. The atheists will be locked into their mindset that is against God. God will get rid of His enemies in Hell.

So basically in your belief, atheists get blessed with eternal life as well, they just get to spend it in Hell rather than in Heaven. Sounds like your God and the Devil have a pact if this is your belief, as your God is dictating to the Devil who goes to Hell rather than the Devil getting to decide. Poor Devil, he still has to exist under God's rule instead of getting to prove how much stronger than God he is. So much for setting up his own shop and supposedly luring all us unsuspecting souls.

I also find it interesting that someone who does not believe in you (God) makes them your enemy. So much for the love and forgiveness of your God as spoken of in the New Testament.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
October 17, 2016, 08:43:55 AM
I also don't believe in God,but that does not mean that I hate my grandmother who goes to Church.I just laugh at her. So grown up and believe in fairy tales.

If you keep on believing the fairy tail that God doesn't exist, you won't like it when God proves to you that He DOES exist.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
October 17, 2016, 08:41:56 AM
Many science can not explain, but that does not mean that God exists. Just accepted in science to argue what you can prove 100%, but religion does not use evidence.They just say there is a God and everyone should believe them.

All machines that people make, come from examples found in nature. All the levers in the machines that people make are found in nature. If people didn't make their machines, nobody else would make them.

This means that the machines of man come from the machines in nature. Machines need to be built for them to exist. The machines that make up nature need to have a builder or they wouldn't exist. The builder of the machine of nature is God.

The nature of the machine universe suggests that God exists as the Maker of the universe. Machines have makers. However, there is nothing that suggests God does NOT exist. There is nothing in the universe that suggests that there is no God.

The idea that there is no God is purely a fictitious, man-made idea.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
October 17, 2016, 08:35:04 AM
Get rid of atheist nuts. Their atheism pollutes our children. Their stupidity is in school textbooks. Get rid of them.

Here is how to get rid of them. First, pray to God that they will convert to religion. Next, show them how stupid atheism is. Third, offer them the chance to leave the community. Fourth, brand them as the heretics they are.

I don't know why you dislike us atheist nuts so much BADecker, but if you really want to get rid of us it should be rather easy - just pray to your God to take away free-will.  Grin

Something like getting rid of atheists is a lot more complex that anybody thinks about.

First, my prayer was that atheists change. And while I didn't state it directly, they should be gotten rid of by their becoming theists. Why should atheists become theists? Because of love for atheists, so that they have a chance to live.

When God made the universe and people, He put His own God strength into it. To instantly change things would take God turning from a direction in which He had been going full force. This is why the devil and atheists barely nudge God.

God is doing things His way. He is getting rid of the atheists his way. He is working to change atheists into theists. But if they don't change... all people die. So, God is getting rid of the atheists.

You might say that God is getting rid of the theists this way, as well. And it seems like it, doesn't it. But in the resurrection where all people will arise from death, there will be no atheists, because all people will then recognize that it was God Who raised them.

At that time, the free will will be gone. Nobody will have the ability to change his mind at that time. The theists will be locked into their mindset favoring God. The atheists will be locked into their mindset that is against God. God will get rid of His enemies in Hell.

full member
Activity: 207
Merit: 100
October 17, 2016, 04:08:07 AM


gotcha !! here are some look alike profiles just commented in this single page;D

Many science can not explain, but that does not mean that God exists. Just accepted in science to argue what you can prove 100%, but religion does not use evidence.They just say there is a God and everyone should believe them.
that does not mean that god does not exist ,no one compels to follow anything ,it is your own choice.

Indeed none of the existing religions did not lead any evidence of the existence of God, but affirms that he is.

almost all of the religion teaches good deeds rather than a physical god

I also don't believe in God,but that does not mean that I hate my grandmother who goes to Church.I just laugh at her. So grown up and believe in fairy tales.

she can also laugh at you for your ignorance ,you have your faith and let her have her faith ,how about that
sr. member
Activity: 337
Merit: 258
October 16, 2016, 11:33:16 PM
Get rid of atheist nuts. Their atheism pollutes our children. Their stupidity is in school textbooks. Get rid of them.

Here is how to get rid of them. First, pray to God that they will convert to religion. Next, show them how stupid atheism is. Third, offer them the chance to leave the community. Fourth, brand them as the heretics they are.

I don't know why you dislike us atheist nuts so much BADecker, but if you really want to get rid of us it should be rather easy - just pray to your God to take away free-will.  Grin
Activity: 2296
Merit: 1126
October 16, 2016, 10:13:03 PM
How did this topic arise? Where you've seen even one case to atheists expressed hatred for religion? Religious organizations become angry at those who deny the existence of God.

That's for sure. Usually, religious sects are indignant about atheists. And they want to get to their sect.

Get rid of atheist nuts. Their atheism pollutes our children. Their stupidity is in school textbooks. Get rid of them.

Here is how to get rid of them. First, pray to God that they will convert to religion. Next, show them how stupid atheism is. Third, offer them the chance to leave the community. Fourth, brand them as the heretics they are.


OP just answered his own rhetorical question.
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
October 16, 2016, 07:50:56 PM
secularism must be there
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
October 16, 2016, 12:56:36 PM
I never noticed the hatred between believers and atheists. I do not mean fans and normal people. No one owes nothing trying to prove
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