Why do people always assume that atheists hate god, and that something bad has happened to them in life that they blame him for.
Because atheists have turned their back on God Who they knew from infancy and early life, within themselves, even though they may not have known it in words and by some form of formal religion.
As an atheist, I don't believe in god. How can I hate something I don't believe in ?
Quite the contrary. You only say that you don't believe in God. In times of great pain or great joy, you will find that you believe in God. What you have is a form of self control that maintains a fictional belief within yourself that you don't believe in God. In great pain or joy, it is very difficult to hang onto this fictional belief.
I do hate seeing people become slaves to their religion of choice and doing horrendous things in the name of it.
What? And you only saw the bad things? Consider. Before we had a welfare system in America, it was the church that helped people out. As it is now, the government and the banking system steals money from people in the form of taxes, and gives them to many unworthy welfare recipients. The churches never did that.
Everyone is an atheist to 99+ gods that have been worshipped in the past both before and after jesus (or abraham for that matter) most atheists just add one more god (the abrahamic one) onto that list.
But no one is an atheist to the real God that holds his or her life in His hands. Even the atheists believe in the real God, and are fearful of Him. The only reason they don't act fearful most of the time is, God has given them enough peace that they will hopefully turn to Him and be saved... from death.
Back to atheists hating god, this is much the same as saying I hate fairies or unicorns. It's a ridiculous statement that only a christian could make.
Perhaps someone has real evidence of fairies or unicorns existing. But science has the scientific facts that God exists. From
Everything operates by cause and effect, action and reaction, Newton's 3rd Law. Whatever can make mankind-complexity over thousands of years of cause and effect, and maintain such complexity in the face of universal entropy, is so far beyond anything that we can think about, that we might as well quit trying, and simply accept.
For Him to make the minds of people via cause and effect like He has, He needs to be way beyond the minds of people in thinking ability. The dictionary and encyclopedia definitions of this Great First Cause, or whatever He may be is, GOD.