If everyone woke up as atheists tomorrow - I mean true atheists - Jesus would return and the judgment day would be here. There would be no more wars because this universe would be over.
The religion of atheism has by far been the largest contributor to wars throughout history.
I'm sorry but religion and war go hand in hand. Almost every war fought has been over religion and again atheism is not a religion, if you class atheism as a religion then what your saying is there can only be religion there are no alternatives. The difference between you and me is I do what is right no matter what I'm told, you do what your told no matter what is right.
I mean why do you believe some book that was written thousands of years ago? I don't even want to get started on how old you think earth is and evolution.
You are wrong. The biggest contributors to the most deaths would be driven by atheism and/or the likes of atheistic beliefs. Make no mistake about it, Hitler didnt give a shit about religion and Stalin and Mussolini definitely didnt drive a religious agenda either. With that said, war and religion.... sure I suppose is a big problem but not the biggest.
Who says what you do is right? Is it societal norms? I am in no way religious but anyone who isnt cannot deny that our world as it sits currently is completely structured from religion in most forms. Whether that be what is right and what is wrong, the words you use on a daily basis, how you classify history in terms of dates and the list goes on. You may not believe in god, gods, or religion but you are living in a society that was built from the ground up on religion in all forms.
Evolution and the age of the universe? You do realize that the hierarchy of religion contains many well educated people. My comparative religions teacher a while back was a Jesuit Priest who had a Doctorate in Physics and by no means would he ever discount the idea of evolution and the history of man; from the Proto Indo Europeans on forward.
You may need to dig a little deeper to understand the difference from some southern preacher spouting out what his congregation stands for and those that believe in god, who also happen to be very well educated.