I suppose that I should have said what I meant, clearly, in my above post. But I didn't.
The ability for everyone to do miracles is only available for all people, because Jesus took onto Himself and paid for the sins of the whole world when He died on the cross. When He arose from the grave, He showed that He had the strength to do this, thereby conquering the devil who was the author of sin and everything evil.
My point is this. If a person will not accept Jesus salvation, they will lose their life in Hell, even though they do a million miracles in this life.
Yoga? If Yoga doesn't teach about Jesus salvation directly, then Yoga is only a good (possibly) training for the hundred years we live in this life.
Be saved. Dig the salvation info out from the only place that has it, the Bible.
He didnt choose to die on the cross for our sins and if the Romans had chosen to leave him alone or alive for that matter then Christianity would be relatively different but most likely not much.
His Father chose the cross for Him. He agreed with it.
If you dig through the Gospels in the Bible, you will find many places where it says, "but his time had not yet come." In other words, there were many times when things would not have worked out according to the Father's plan to save us. So, God didn't allow them to be carried forward... not until everything was just right so that it would be carried out according to God's plan, which Jesus agreed with.
Also when it comes to his strength to conquer the devil..... well, this was not the point I think anyone should be making. Jesus didnt really need strength against the devil and this is proven in Matthew 4:1-10, amongst other places.
What do you mean? The point is, Jesus HAD strength to overcome the devil. The fact that He showed it through the miracles that he did in the sight of people, simply proved it to them.
You also mention that the devil is the author of sin and everything evil but this is a weird way to perpetuate a person. First, to claim he is responsible for everything evil is a stretch, after all free will would mean absolutely nothing if we were able to put every amount of blame on one entity instead of being responsible for ourselves. This would also make judgments moot if every amount of evil was just passed by and labeled as the result of the devil.
At the same time, do you think that mankind who was made in the image of God is smart enough to invent methods for doing evil without guidance from the devil?
Wherein does free will lie. Cause and effect shows that we don't have any free will, even though we feel like we do. We feel this way because even the feeling is not a free will thing.
The Bible expresses that we have free will, so we do. But wherein does the free will lie? It isn't in the everyday decisions that we make in life. It is in some little tiny thing. What is this little tiny thing that all our free will hinges on?
With all of that said and based on your first statement it wouldn't matter if anyone accepted the salvation of Jesus because everyone would A-Ok and allowed in as the evils was not from their hand alone but rather the result of some evil entity, the same evil entity responsible for everything evil.
I know, I know. The devil made me do it. However, we willingly accepted the devil's design for us to do evil, through Adam and Eve voluntarily sinning when they could have rejected the devil. If nothing else, it is in our genes.
Lastly, it seems you are taking the fear of god approach which would mean that we only pray for selfish means to appease a God rather than doing because we feel it is right. God never intended hell as a place for humans to go and in fact would never wish the evil on anyone because he himself would be considered evil. Man is responsible for sending himself to hell. Man must choose that path.
Fear of God is something strongly suggested for us to have throughout the Old Testament.
When you realize that man is responsible for setting up the direction that he will go, but that God is responsible for listening to mans' request and then sending him to Hell as man asked, you might start to see how complex the fear of God is.