
Topic: Why do Atheists Hate Religion? - page 3. (Read 901291 times)

Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
October 24, 2021, 05:48:12 PM
Why do Atheists Hate Religion?

Weak atheists don't necessarily hate religion. Strong atheists hate religion because the stronger the atheist, the more he can't get away from his atheism religion.

Activity: 3388
Merit: 3514
born once atheist
October 23, 2021, 09:24:10 PM
necro-bump.... (because why not, and I've had a couple)......

Actually truth be told, stories like this make me like religion, not hate it.....

So Jesus and Moses were hanging out in heaven, totally bored (what a surprise)
So Jesus says "dude, I'm sick of this shit, lets go downstairs to earth where the real action is and have some fun.
Lets go do miracles!"
Moses with a gleam in his eye, replies "oh I'm there dude! lets do it man, I still have my chops! So, how 'bout we head to the old holy land .?
Maybe even find a talking bush and set it on fire! But I ain't wandering in the desert for forty years! It's too frikkin hot and these sandals give me blisters."
So... (you always start a good story with "so" these days.  "AND SO" if its religious babble...I mean Bible nonsense)....  
So, Jesus is like "cool bro, how 'bout you grab that big ole staff of yours and you part the Red Sea just for shitz 'n giggles!?"
So, Moses is like "oh yeah, and then you walk across the water, and maybe even leap over the big ole chasm I make!
oh, and don't forget to to turn the water into a couple a jugs of wine cuz we're gonna partaaaay brother!! (none of that Riunite shit though)
"Sounds like a plan my man!" replies the true messiah himself.
AND SO.. They headed down to earth and they arrive at holy land beach.
AND SO... Moses turns towards the Red Sea, and lifts his staff on high, and spreads his arms to the heavens.
AND SO... The angels began to sing and the gentle sea breeze turned into a raging gale, and the waters of the Red Sea were parted.
AND THEN... Moses lowered his arms,
AND...with a smug grin on his face, turned back to face Jesus. OK dude, your turn, lets see you do your thing!
AND SO... with a flourish of his robes, Jesus steps onto the waters of the Red Sea and begins to stride across without so much as a ripple.
 "Check it out bro! now I'm gonna walk out on water, run and jump over the giant part in the Red Sea you just made! woo hoo "
But to Moses' bewilderment, halfway across the water, just as Jesus gets up to leaping speed, with each step taken, he slowly starts sinking into the water!
Moses watches with horror as his buddy, the Savior, the son of God himself, the true Messiah, is now splashing and flailing helplessly in the drink!
Poor Jesus begins to choke, while the waves toss him around, like a waterlogged rag doll.
AND SO...Moses, upon seeing his side kick, the almighty Messiah, clearly in trouble, swims out to save him from his watery grave.
AND....Moses drags Jesus, using the lifeguard hold, back thru the now un-parted choppy Red Sea. (he had to drop his staff, you see)
AND.... Moses lays The Savior out on the beach, "Hey Jesus" says an enlightened Moses, as he looked down
on his buddy on his back with arms outstretched no less, "I got an you can make a sand Angel!".
AND SO...Jesus flapped his arms and legs in the sand and HE DID make a sand angel!
AND SO...Between gasps and hack-ups of mouthfuls of salt water, Jesus splutters
"Moses I'm saved! You SAVED me... Praise the lord!... oh wait... I AM the lord!....damn it bro, what went wrong?"

 Moses slapped a consoling hand on Jesus' shoulder and said,
 "Don't worry about it, dude. Last time you tried it, you didn't have holes in your feet.".....


"hey, nice sand angel though!".....

Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
July 12, 2019, 11:55:30 AM
^^^ Actually, hate is the absence of everything. Love is the abundance of everything.

Activity: 590
Merit: 39
July 11, 2019, 10:42:50 PM
most atheists hate their heritage and rebel against their families. fundamentalists from one religion often project their own shadows on individuals of another religion. hate and love are sides of same thing. you can only hate something important to you.
hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
July 11, 2019, 06:08:12 AM
^^^ Atheism is simply a religion with a different focus. Like as there might be many denominations of a particular religion, so there are denominations of atheism. The atheism denominations, however, usually have atheism as a secondary point in the denomination gatherings. That's why you don't find atheism churches.

Much of the atheism "dogma" belongs to the personal atheism religion of each of its individual members, whereas many other religions direct the dogma of their members from the top down.

In other words, atheists are people. And as people, they do things that people do. Some of them exist just to "evangelize" people away from other religions. It's simply the way they are. It's their personal form or "dogma" of their personal atheism religious denomination.


One thing is for sure, though, atheism does not have a god and does not worship gods either, if you want to call it a religion because it suits you, totally fine but there is certainly a huge difference between atheism and Christianity or any other god-based religion.

One thing's for sure. Atheists won't admit that they are their own god(s).


That makes no sense, as usual.
Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
July 10, 2019, 10:42:26 PM
^^^ Atheism is simply a religion with a different focus. Like as there might be many denominations of a particular religion, so there are denominations of atheism. The atheism denominations, however, usually have atheism as a secondary point in the denomination gatherings. That's why you don't find atheism churches.

Much of the atheism "dogma" belongs to the personal atheism religion of each of its individual members, whereas many other religions direct the dogma of their members from the top down.

In other words, atheists are people. And as people, they do things that people do. Some of them exist just to "evangelize" people away from other religions. It's simply the way they are. It's their personal form or "dogma" of their personal atheism religious denomination.


One thing is for sure, though, atheism does not have a god and does not worship gods either, if you want to call it a religion because it suits you, totally fine but there is certainly a huge difference between atheism and Christianity or any other god-based religion.

One thing's for sure. Atheists won't admit that they are their own god(s).

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
July 10, 2019, 04:16:28 PM
^^^ Atheism is simply a religion with a different focus. Like as there might be many denominations of a particular religion, so there are denominations of atheism. The atheism denominations, however, usually have atheism as a secondary point in the denomination gatherings. That's why you don't find atheism churches.

Much of the atheism "dogma" belongs to the personal atheism religion of each of its individual members, whereas many other religions direct the dogma of their members from the top down.

In other words, atheists are people. And as people, they do things that people do. Some of them exist just to "evangelize" people away from other religions. It's simply the way they are. It's their personal form or "dogma" of their personal atheism religious denomination.


One thing is for sure, though, atheism does not have a god and does not worship gods either, if you want to call it a religion because it suits you, totally fine but there is certainly a huge difference between atheism and Christianity or any other god-based religion.
Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
July 10, 2019, 06:33:25 AM
^^^ Atheism is simply a religion with a different focus. Like as there might be many denominations of a particular religion, so there are denominations of atheism. The atheism denominations, however, usually have atheism as a secondary point in the denomination gatherings. That's why you don't find atheism churches.

Much of the atheism "dogma" belongs to the personal atheism religion of each of its individual members, whereas many other religions direct the dogma of their members from the top down.

In other words, atheists are people. And as people, they do things that people do. Some of them exist just to "evangelize" people away from other religions. It's simply the way they are. It's their personal form or "dogma" of their personal atheism religious denomination.

Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
June 20, 2019, 10:11:44 PM
^^^ God has shown you that He exists in such away that is not limiting your ability to not accept it. You should be thanking God for the freedom He is giving you.


If god did that, why do I not believe in him then? I would gladly accept god and I would like a god to exist, I was a believer so I clearly know what it is to believe, I simply cannot believe anymore because he hasn't shown me enough evidence. If he wanted to, he would have convinced me already, why hasn't he?

Oh, oh! Here's a possible problem in your case. I guess you are right about you not being able to believe and be saved (provided that you are telling the truth about being a believer at one time, and now not). You had your chance, but you locked yourself into unbelief. Hebrews 6:4-8:
4It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, 5who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age 6and who have fallen c away, to be brought back to repentance. To their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace. 7Land that drinks in the rain often falling on it and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed receives the blessing of God. 8But land that produces thorns and thistles is worthless and is in danger of being cursed. In the end it will be burned.

Was nice knowing you, kid.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
June 20, 2019, 04:28:03 PM
^^^ God has shown you that He exists in such away that is not limiting your ability to not accept it. You should be thanking God for the freedom He is giving you.


If god did that, why do I not believe in him then? I would gladly accept god and I would like a god to exist, I was a believer so I clearly know what it is to believe, I simply cannot believe anymore because he hasn't shown me enough evidence. If he wanted to, he would have convinced me already, why hasn't he?
Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
June 20, 2019, 04:16:45 PM
^^^ God has shown you that He exists in such away that is not limiting your ability to not accept it. You should be thanking God for the freedom He is giving you.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
June 20, 2019, 03:52:21 PM
^^^ We've been over this long ago. All people know enough way down deep to make a choice for God or against Him. God holds this open for them.

The info is there. They make their choice.

Don't give yourself so little credit for having free will. You aren't being forced to be against God. You are choosing such. Since God wants you to have this freedom - so that it will be your own doing if you go to Hell - consider the evidence and proof for God, and make the right choice, so that you go to Heaven.


^^^ We've been over this long ago. All people know enough way down deep to make a choice for God or against Him. God holds this open for them.  (Baseless claim with no evidence provided)
The info is there. They make their choice.

Don't give yourself so little credit for having free will. You aren't being forced to be against God. You are choosing such. Since God wants you to have this freedom - so that it will be your own doing if you go to Hell - consider the evidence and proof for God, and make the right choice, so that you go to Heaven. (Having free will doesn't stop god from convincing me of his existence, for instance when I'm trying to teach you about science, am I taking your free will away? Of course not, am I taking your free will away if I convince you of ghost's existence? Nope. God could convince me if he wanted but he doesn't.)
Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
June 20, 2019, 03:29:50 PM
^^^ We've been over this long ago. All people know enough way down deep to make a choice for God or against Him. God holds this open for them.

The info is there. They make their choice.

Don't give yourself so little credit for having free will. You aren't being forced to be against God. You are choosing such. Since God wants you to have this freedom - so that it will be your own doing if you go to Hell - consider the evidence and proof for God, and make the right choice, so that you go to Heaven.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
June 20, 2019, 02:58:16 PM
Why do atheists hate religion? Because atheism is a hoax.


As opposed to a supreme being that is a figment of everyone imagination and takes a tremendous leap of faith to believe in?  Ok.

I'll stick with science and facts.

Who wrote a book to convince people of his existence because he thought that was the best way to convince people, LOL. I wonder how an all powerful, all knowing god wasn't able to convince everyone of his existence.

God had the Bible written to save people, not because people or their loss do anything to God. It was simply His good nature directed towards people.

These are facts that science isn't capable of easily observing, yet.


Again if god wanted to save people he would have done so, he perfectly knows the way to convince people of his existence if he wanted to, he would have convinced everyone by now if he wanted to, since he hasn't done so, it means he either doesn't exist or he doesn't want to convince people of his existence.
jr. member
Activity: 31
Merit: 2
June 20, 2019, 02:56:55 PM

God had the Bible written to save people, not because people or their loss do anything to God. It was simply His good nature directed towards people.

These are facts that science isn't capable of easily observing, yet.


Because they are not facts, they made up logic to pretend the existence of a supreme being.

Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
June 20, 2019, 02:54:27 PM
^^^ Oh, that was simply you not accepting science. All you were doing is trying to show that religion isn't religion by not accepting that your religion is a religion.

Why do atheists hate religion? Because atheism is a hoax.


BADecker: The simple answer that is obvious to everyone is the machine quality of the universe. Machines have makers.


Badecker admits the universe has different creators and not just one, is he finally using his brain?

What are you even yammering about. It has been known for ages that the universe has different creators. Look at all the artists who create music, or pictures, or machines.

But there is only one Creator of the universe. The quality and complexity of what He created when He created the universe, shows that He is God by definition.

Atheists get upset after a while, if they are shown that they understand deep down that God exists. Their religion of non-religioin doesn't cut it. If I had such a religion, I would probably hate religion, too.


''The quality and complexity of what He created when He created the universe, shows that He is God by definition.'' The complexity simply shows that it has to be more complex, not that it has to be 1 entity, how does complexity show it's only 1 god and not multiple?

You also said 2 opposite statements in your sentence above.

You simply show that you are using political science and talk in the way you express things, and what you express.

The enormity of universal complexity shows that God is God.

Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
June 20, 2019, 02:50:59 PM
Why do atheists hate religion? Because atheism is a hoax.


As opposed to a supreme being that is a figment of everyone imagination and takes a tremendous leap of faith to believe in?  Ok.

I'll stick with science and facts.

Who wrote a book to convince people of his existence because he thought that was the best way to convince people, LOL. I wonder how an all powerful, all knowing god wasn't able to convince everyone of his existence.

God had the Bible written to save people, not because people or their loss do anything to God. It was simply His good nature directed towards people.

These are facts that science isn't capable of easily observing, yet.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
June 20, 2019, 01:46:59 PM
Why do atheists hate religion? Because atheism is a hoax.


As opposed to a supreme being that is a figment of everyone imagination and takes a tremendous leap of faith to believe in?  Ok.

I'll stick with science and facts.

Who wrote a book to convince people of his existence because he thought that was the best way to convince people, LOL. I wonder how an all powerful, all knowing god wasn't able to convince everyone of his existence.
jr. member
Activity: 31
Merit: 2
June 20, 2019, 10:02:53 AM
Why do atheists hate religion? Because atheism is a hoax.


As opposed to a supreme being that is a figment of everyone imagination and takes a tremendous leap of faith to believe in?  Ok.

I'll stick with science and facts.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
May 22, 2019, 12:40:27 PM
^^^ Oh, that was simply you not accepting science. All you were doing is trying to show that religion isn't religion by not accepting that your religion is a religion.

Why do atheists hate religion? Because atheism is a hoax.


BADecker: The simple answer that is obvious to everyone is the machine quality of the universe. Machines have makers.


Badecker admits the universe has different creators and not just one, is he finally using his brain?

What are you even yammering about. It has been known for ages that the universe has different creators. Look at all the artists who create music, or pictures, or machines.

But there is only one Creator of the universe. The quality and complexity of what He created when He created the universe, shows that He is God by definition.

Atheists get upset after a while, if they are shown that they understand deep down that God exists. Their religion of non-religioin doesn't cut it. If I had such a religion, I would probably hate religion, too.


''The quality and complexity of what He created when He created the universe, shows that He is God by definition.'' The complexity simply shows that it has to be more complex, not that it has to be 1 entity, how does complexity show it's only 1 god and not multiple?

You also said 2 opposite statements in your sentence above.
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