What does the Bible or Quran say you should do with the gay people?
Religious people are the victims. The worldview presented in the scriptures is what is wrong with religions.
Not 'few rotten apples' as you put it. People are born into their religions and become indoctrinated as children.
What happens after that depends on who they associate with.
Religions poison your mind. All religions are equally evil.
The issue is not with 'few rotten apples', the issue is with 'rotten scriptures'.
Religious apologetics always try to shift the blame on people, away from the scriptures, but the fact is that the scriptures are the root cause of all the problems created by religions. Not the people who were indoctrinated into the religions of their parents.
Is killing gays wrong or not, in your opinion?
Where are your morals? You don't think murdering people is wrong?
What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you mentally sick?
Are you brain damaged?
Religious laws tell people to murder people for no apparent reason. That is not freedom of speech. That is hate speech.
Religious laws incite violence.
Religion does not stop those things. If anything, it encourages it and/or supports it.
BTW, you can get HIV on your next visit to the dentist. HIV is spread through the exchange of bodily fluids, you ignoramus.
You are a barbarian. Do you think you stand on the higher moral ground with your 6th-century wisdom?
You are ignoring centuries of scientific and technological progress we have made as a human race.
You are locked in a time capsule.
Do you want the root cause? Here it is:
I hope you will not teach your ignorance to your children. Hopefully, you will no children to teach your 6th-century wisdom.
Wrong again. We want to expose the stupid, barbaric ideas religions profess.
Religions will eliminate themselves.
Bad ideas will be replaced with better ideas. That is how progress is made in pretty much anything.
On equal political footing, religions would not stand a chance against secular, scientific thought.
The ones that were, were burned at the stake, hung from a tree, crucified or had their heads chopped off.
Here is a quote from Galileo for you to ponder on:
"The Bible shows the way to go to heaven, not the way the heavens go."
Newton believed in the "God of the Gaps", just like some scientists today.
Religion fills an emotional need. It reassures believers that things will be ok, that some father figure is always there to help them.
This is self-delusion, but it does offer some psychological help to some people. People like yourself.
If your religion stops you from killing people, you should strongly believe in your God and abide by the laws in the corresponding scriptures.
You can not blame religions for every thing happening in this world. You think religion is impeding progress and I think it’s the inequality which is spreading hate.