What was the life expectancy in the US 100 years ago? 50 years ago? 25 years ago?
Was the US more Christian 100, 50 or 25 years ago?
The proper way to analyze this is to isolate the effect of religion independently of technological progress.
At each interval of history one should compare the life expectancy of Christians compared to non Christians.
If you do that you find that Christians live longer. This is true today.
Religious people live four YEARS longer than those who don’t believe in God, study revealshttps://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mirror.co.uk/science/religious-people-live-four-years-12704829.ampIt also appears to likely have been true as far back as early Roman times when Christian charity led to increased life expectancy social power and eventual cultural victory over the Pagans.
The Christian Conquest of Pagan Romehttps://www.crosswalk.com/blogs/michael-craven/the-christian-conquest-of-pagan-rome-11640691.htmlWho is against stem cell research? You know, the technology that can save and extend lives.
Most if not all of current stem cell therapy is a scam. It’s an utterly unproven cash pay business that thrives on the vulnerable and desperate.
Much of what little research there is has been shown to be fraudulent a example of the corruption of science in our time.
Stem Cell Research—Shattered After Fabrication Scandalhttps://www.tctmd.com/news/stem-cell-research-shattered-after-fabrication-scandal-needs-rebuild-says-ehj-editorThat said Christians are generally opposed to embryonic stem cell research as those lines were derived from aborted fetal tissue. Christians by and large don’t believe it is moral to experiment with the remains of killed human life.
Healthy, stress-free life, with lots of social life, is not the domain of Christians or religious people. I would argue that being religious adds more stress to your life as you have to worry about what your God will think, every second of your life, you have to constantly think: "Would I make it into heaven or would I end up in hell?" Atheists do not have this issue.
When you know you have one life to live, you take care of your body, your mind, your relationship with others because you know after you die there is no second chance. You, on the other hand, think that afterlife is what matters, this life is only temporary, 120 years at most vs the eternity. So rape here or there, abuse of your wife or your body, kill few men here or there is all ok, as long as you accept Jesus as your savior before you die, LOL
You have this very very wrong. Every major study on the issue shows a health advantage for the observant religious. Here are a few I highlighted in the
Health and Religion thread.
In U.S., Very Religious Have Higher Wellbeing Across All Faithshttp://www.gallup.com/poll/152732/religious-higher-wellbeing-across-faiths.aspxMarried Couples Who Attend Church Services Together Are Less Likely to Divorcehttp://www.christianpost.com/news/married-couples-who-attend-church-services-together-are-less-likely-to-divorce-study-171853/Religious upbringing may be protective factor for health, well-being in early adulthoodhttps://www.forbes.com/sites/alicegwalton/2018/09/17/raising-kids-with-religion-or-spirituality-may-protect-their-mental-health-study/#68c6ba2c3287
Now, who has a more healthy outlook on our life on this planet?
Easy Christians do. Next question.
PS. What is the global population growth rate? Should it be increasing at 4 or 5% as is the case in communities of most orthodox religions?
Global population growth rate is somewhere around 1%. It peaked long ago and is declining towards zero no outside intervention required.
The religious communities won’t grow at 4 to 5% forever. It’s just the process of the unhealthy segments of society being replaced by healthier variants. Overall the growth trajectory of the society at large is unlikely to change.
PPS. On average, are Christian or Atheists more educated? Who do you think would make a better manager, better policymaker, better scientist, better engineer, better doctor?
Atheists are for the moment more formally educated on average.
As for who would make a better manager, better policymaker, better scientist, better engineer, or better doctor. I would have go with the educated Christian or Jew. Best of both worlds.
I recommend putting some more work into understanding these issues af_newbie. I don’t have the time or inclination to continue tutoring like this. You need to rectify your own deficiencies.
Without science and secular thought, there would be no technological progress.
Religions were against science all the way. They still are today.
You better hope the world does not turn into one big Sharia Law country, then you will see what technological progress you'll get.
Point is religions are regressive, they impede the technological progress.
That is the proper way to look at it.