The thing that I am trying to do is to show peaceful Muslims that they, themselves, are interpreting the violence of their own religious writings into peace, even though those writings express a lot of violence directives.
The point is that Muslims are turning away from Islam by themselves, because most people want peace rather than violence. This is very evident among the Sunni's, who allow all kinds of religious practices in their Islam... almost so that you can't tell if the various Sunni's are really Sunni or really Islamic.
Sure, they call themselves Muslims. And they proclaim that they follow Islam. But they are so shocked at and abhorrent of the violence directives in their religious writings, that they attempt to turn these directives into things of peace.
As an Atheist, I despise the very idea of defining people by one religion or another. More than that, I despise the religion which encourages or requires such self-definition.
After that is done, though, then the discussion is "framed." It is framed in terms of one religion versus another, instead of humans, one versus another.
So let me say straight out that your Christianity is not what I consider Christianity to best be, but this is a mild criticism. At it's worst, Christianity cannot begin to reach the depravity of the bastardization of Islam by Sayd Qutb.
Virtually no one in the Western world understands who Qutb was or his relationship to generations of radical Islam. No doubt that is part of why and how they confuse Islam with extremist Islam. However the very existence of such as the writings of Qutd show that radical Islam, is in fact a subset of Islam.
Well, at least that seems to be right.
Of course. That's what the atheism religion says. Avoid considering your religion and the religion of any other people at all costs. And use your religion of atheism to avoid itself.
You atheists are about as dense as anyone can get, even more dense than 1aguar and his PJs.