There may be serious dedicated fighters who believe they are Muslim, but they are not true Muslims -- they are not following Mohammed's example. The Jihadists are following Mohammed's example by trying to strike terror into the hearts of unbelievers. Most Muslims, like most Christians, are just average people who know almost nothing about their religion.
I understand your point of view, but to me it simply indicates that Islam is a flawed belief system. Note, believers think it is a "perfect" system, but then their vision of Perfect varies wildly between sects. That is why I view it as algorithmically flawed, unless the various interpretations gravitate somehow toward a common central goal.
Any idea what that common central goal is?
A common central goal of expanding the number of people and the number of countries with a significant Muslim presence, with higher levels of kowtowing to Muslim beliefs, with the end goal of world domination, should not be ruled out.
Both peaceful and barbaric methods do seem to be operating in this fashion.
And verse versa for jews and christians, ever seen paid campaigns in the arabic world? it's on Google, FB and everywhere that have adsense or ads, that only seem to be natural for anyone to will for people to unite the same as his beliefes, thinking that it will turn the world better, judging by the many versions of the bible and other books, quran seems to be the only book unchanged, also the only to have united all relegions, seems just right to me, but of course I respect your beliefs as well.
You got it - but
the context of the question was whether "Islam was a perfect belief system, or a flawed belief system." I said flawed, unless the peaceful and violent methods worked hand in hand toward the same goal.
And if you agree with me that that is so, then all those who claim here that "Islam is peace" would not be truthful.
It's not a religion of peace when it comes to defending it self, it's a religion of peace if people leave the muslims alone, even a small kitty can bite you if you treat it badly and islam is not a small kitty, it's a belief of many brave men, and I don't see how good people treat islamic countries by trying to spread their own democracy and believes, maybe everyone should just admit that muslims have their own thing and they will not be like the rest of the world, and maybe it's better to let them be whatever they want, that too is a kind of freedom. I know one thing, if its not broke, don't try to fix it, especially if its not yours than don't touch it at all.
I understand that EU and USA is trying to help taking down dictatorship, I think you can see the result with your eyes, it's a huge mess right now, trying to fix that mess lead into bigger one, it reach EU now in Paris that was not good as well, innocent people died in the whole Arabic world for this crap of EU and US helping and now many innocent people are dying in EU for the same crap revenge etc...
Unfortunately it's quite the utter reverse - Muslims will not leave non Muslims alone. Not at all. Not in the countries of non-Muslims.
They attack our good soldiers in Ft. Hood, Texas, in Dallas, where there is a Mohammad cartoon contest. They behead an innocent woman in Oklahoma. They blow up innocent people any and everywhere.
Anyway the question was not one of violence or non-violence, but of the perpetuation of a myth that "Islam is perfect."
Islam is perfect but people are not, people tend to read and explain on their own way for personal gain even they know it's not right, the problem is when they think they are doing the right thing.
I am sorry to hear what's going to innocent people that have no hand on anything but the will to live which is person's gift from the mighty, some people have only that right such as me, I have nothing in life but I am always thankful and satisfied with what I have, as long as one is healthy and surviving.
I really hate violence pretty much, and I tell you that I am not satisfied with what I see from all parts of humans in general, I find it hard to understand how people think when they are doing what they are doing, I have hard time understanding greed, we all love money, but I love hard earned money, and I hate power and never wish to be part of it, at all, unfortunately what you see today from any part is fight over money and power, it was never religion issue, people tend to cover up using religions and causes.
I pray this chaos finish, once and for all.
This is a philosophical argument which I pursue only for interest. In practical sense we see things exactly the same and I am sure would be good friends. I have many muslim friends who also hate violence and have expressed the same sentiments.
Even if my argument is perfect logically, it could be wrong in the practical sense. That's the way of human experience. I don't agree that "Islam is perfect," but respect other people that think such. Interesting though, that Christians do not think that "Christianity is perfect."
I wonder why the vast difference.
I think the difference is in the belief as thinking islam is perfect is part of the whole belief, if one don't agree with it he would feel that he is not a muslim, that's one of the educations of islam and major part of it, so don't find it strange when a muslim tells you it's perfect, it's perfect for him.