I might not remember before I was born too clearly, but I DO remember before I was conceived. I remember being a fuzzy ball of light with other fuzzy balls of light all around me. There was a Great Light above us all. It was too bright to look at.
I was uncertain about taking a position down here. But I had waited for a long time, watching many others go to Earth and be born. Then the Great Light seemed to indicate that there was an opening that I should fill. I was hesitant, but I made the move.
And here I am.
If you truly believe what you just said actually happened, you
It's my memory. Was it implanted by someone? I don't know. But, it is my memory.
Consider that clinically insane is something that is decided by those who often have memories that would make them appear to be clinically insane.
Think about the firm Jewish believers, and the Christians who strictly believe the Bible. Jews are a stubborn lot with regard to keeping records. They believe that the books that Moses wrote back about 3500 years ago are the truth... some of which was taken from other records that go back to the creation. In other words, the universe and the earth are about 6000 years old. They literally believe this.
But science has found that the universe is about 13.5 billion years old. That's a difference of about 13.5 billion years from what the Jews believe.
The Jews believe their written records, while science makes all kinds of assumptions about the way things were. Kinda seems that scientists are the clinically insane here. After all, there is no reason to assume that things of the past acted like they do today. There might be any number of ways that the universe came about in a short period of time, like God creating it in 6 days.
Personally, I believe the written records of the Jews. If you want to believe the assumptions of the scientists, go ahead and remain clinically unsane.