None of it is
contemporary historical evidence. Lookup the definition of
contemporary if you don't know what it means.
Game over. Thanks for playing.
Not so fast apeman, not so fast.
That is a lie and spirit of antichrist. Your ticket is almost set.
You can't debunk historical fact of The Lord Jesus existence and overwhelming number of facts, you can research.
Fact1: The Bible has more manuscript evidence than any ten pieces of ancient literature combined. There are more than 24000 copies of portions of the New Testament in existence today some of which date back
to the first century AD.
Fact2: The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, written in Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic, contains all books of the Old Testament except Esther and includes a copy of the Book of Enoch. These manuscripts confirmed
that the Old Testament Scriptures were translated accurately for the last 2300 years.
Fact3: The Septuagint version first translation of the Old Testament from Hebrew to Greek done by the king of Egypt Ptolemy II Philadelphus around 250 B.C. in famous library in Alexandria.
Fact4: The quantity&specificity of fulfilled Bible prophecy is the "DNA" evidence of the God of the Bible Jesus being True Creator.
Fact5: The early church fathers confirmed the writings of the apostles aka the New Testament canon in their writings long before the corrupt Roma Catholic church came into existence in 313 AD.
Fact6: Archeological discoveries have confirmed specific New Testament people, places and events - The Pilate Stone discovered at the site of Caesarea Maritima in 1961, burial box of James the brother of Jesus,
the discovery of Nazareth, Peter's house in Capernaum, pool of Siloam, The Shroud of Turin, etc...
Fact7: First century historians confirm the existence of Jesus Christ, His miracles, His crucifixion under Pontius Pilate, His resurrection from the dead, christian disciples continuing his teachings.
Fact8: Plenty of manuscripts, for example John Rylands MS(AD 130), Bodmer Papyrus II (AD 150-200), A.Chester Beatty Papyri (AD 200), The Muratorian Canon Fragment (AD 175) etc,etc...
Fact9: Acknowledging the life of Jesus Christ of the Bible: Titus Flavius Josephus, non christian historian-The Complete works of Josephus, Cornelius Tacitus a Roman senator and historian AD 56-117-The Annals
The only proof of love is The Truth.
Don't be ignorant clown like this ape guy who thinks that he is a monkey living on a spinning ball. Read your Bible and ask for understanding, do your research.