For me the question "Does God exist?" is not the important one. We can't prove it either way, and so we'll never settle any arguments or change any opinions based on answers to this question.
I think the more pertinent question is: "If we assume that God exists, then should (s)he be worshipped?"
I respect every opinion they think about the existence of God,
but there is one thing we must know about the existence of God,
"God is in our hearts, its existence is like the wind, it cannot be seen but can be felt"there are people who believe in cryptocurrencies, but there are also those who refuse to believe,
the choice is in us. slowly, sooner or later surely your heart and mind will accept God.
I am an atheist because I cannot "feel" God. People who talk about their feelings as though it is the "truth" don't impress me much.
Most are delusional sheep who follow the culturally-driven customes and traditions that were nailed into their brains since childhood.
Religious people lack critical thinking skills. You don't believe me? Ask them the why questions.
"Why do you believe in XXX?" (XXX could be Jesus or Allah)
"Why don't you believe in YYY?" (YYY could be Zeus)
"Why do you believe that ZZZ book is the word of God but not the UUU book?"
"Why do you believe that fictional characters (Jesus or Moses) were real?"
Depending on their answer you can further question them about their "beliefs". What will happen that in the end (if they remain honest about it) is that they will tell you that they have no actual, factual reason to believe in the supernatural claims, but they will still continue their beliefs because it makes them feel good, or that it is to better their communities, make friends in church, sing songs, have a place where they feel they belong, etc. LOL.
The reason is not their friend.