Whoa now... that was unexpected and honestly I think it changes my entire view of the One. To me, a company paying attention to its customers is one of the most admirable things one can do. To read this and see that Microsoft completely did a 180 from something they were so adamant about (or two things, if you consider the requirement to be online to play SP games) is major to me.
Maybe that was their plan. But, Sony was already doing this. Xbox had to do it, otherwise they would have lost the battle. They didn't listen to customers. They listened to their advisor's that they were making a big mistake.
It wouldn't have mattered one way or the other. Xbox fans will always buy the next Xbox, regardless as to what kind of ridiculousness is implemented. Much like why PC gamers use Windows. Because we like to? No. Because our choices are either 1) use Windows or 2) not be able to play most of our games.
You are right we gamers use windows for playing games because there are no other options which we like. Don't get me wrong there are options but they aren't quick enough or reliable enough for me. Windows is a top class operating system. Even though I believe Linux is better, Linux is not meant for gaming.
Just like the Xbox isn't made solely made for gaming. It's got all this multimedia. That's why a lot of people are pissed.
They want a console which just does what they want it to do, GAME. I don't want to watch Netflix or listen to music which I have to pay for. I can do that on my Smart TV which I plug in my Xbox.
But, back to the point. You said PC users use windows because we have no other choice. Well, Xbox fans HAVE a CHOICE. Sony is their competitors. They both do the same thing. Except Xbox has all added crap.
There is good news for PC users who use Linux. There is going to be further development in some games for Linux. So hopefully some big titles will be able to work.
Also, there is going to be a emulator which I have been keeping my eyes on. It looks promising and has been in development for quite a while now.
But, I don't see Linux as a gaming operating system. I normally use it for programming, networking & database work.
Exclusives for Xbox take away the choice, much like exclusives for PS3 take away the choice there. For example, Halo; one of the games that's played as an eSport.
So while you have a choice in whether or not you want to buy each system, if you want to play the games you like you have to get the proper one(s).
That is the developers choice. That's why a lot of game have not announced anything for the consoles & only for PC to this date. They may still develop for the console but it's their decision.
In fact Microsoft are known for paying developers to make it exclusive to Xbox. Of course Sony does it too.
I respect a developer which takes the time to develop on each platform. They put more effort into it. They have better profit margins. They give people freedom of choice.
I personally don't like gears of war & the halo series. Forza Motorsport on the other hand, is my style of game.
I will not be getting either on of the consoles. It's just a computer now. When people realise the price they are charging for a low end PC, people will start to ask why.
Xbox kept mentioning they have "Voice control" and how awesome it is. Voice control has been around for years. Nothing new and nothing special. It was a bug flop just like 3D tv's.
I'm only following each console, because there's a mini war going on between them, other than that I'm not interested. Especially paying online. PC = free. Also, think of all the games which you can't get on ps4 and Xbox. There are loads.
Classics like red alert (the good version, it's shit on the ps3 & xbox). command & conquer. Theme hospital (Very old game). Age of Conan.
I can go on and on. World of Warcraft. Everyone likes that don't they? Another would be Minecraft. Minecraft will never be as good on the Xbox.