Thank you for your reply which was really quick...
But I am using simpleminer on Win 7 x64 since I dunno anything about nix and compiling of cpuminer-multi etc.
6 threads, Core i7 920 and with 75% of utilization gives me around 75 H/s... but it is going up and down like on other pools, but not like this. Mostly around 50 H/s... I see the pool's hash-rate acts the same, falls over 10 times from 50 KH/s to 6 or so... So this problem must be hitting others too...
Hey fr0wn3r, how are you getting 75 H/s , Im only getting 25 H/s on my Core i7 960 with simpleminer on 8 threads? thats what it says on monero.crypto-pool.fr
Hey mate. Well you must be mining with the old simpleminer, try using the one linked on google drive, from 17. 05. , here -
https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B7RQILpPGrQbR1R4WDF6SVhwdW8&tid=0B7RQILpPGrQbYnF2OTA4NklrWmc . After that you can make two .bat files
1) start_pool_mining.bat
set /p var="Number of threads: "
set /a "x = 1"
if %x% leq %var% (
start start_simpleminer.bat
set /a "x = x + 1"
goto :while1
2) start_simpleminer.bat
simpleminer.exe --pool-addr=extremepool.org:7777 --login=address --pass 123
goto :while1
You start the mining process by clicking number one and type in number of threads you wanna use. Ports don't matter as far as I can tell... 5555 or 7777, same...