Of course the number of people who want to be vaccinated is increasing with the lottery offers provided by the Polish government.
But the Polish government must also be able to anticipate if there is a crowd, because there will be many people who will queue to get the vaccine.
Hopefully when waiting in line there will be no transmission, for fear that before getting the vaccine injection, these people will catch the virus.
So it is also necessary to control and supervise the Polish government so that this does not happen, don't let a good goal turn into a bad ending,
because people waiting in line for vaccines can transmit the virus to each other.
Oh Yes! safety protocols should be the priorities beforehand, those who will participate needs to have face shields and Mask to lessen the chance of this
spread while waiting for their turns, the lottery may attract larger amount of people it's best to anticipate and have a better plans.
Good to see that in order to gather those people to participate this Polish government find interesting way to attract their attentions, just need
to make sure that everything are working together to ensure the safety of all those people who will gather around,.
Health protocols must be strictly enforced and violators should be given sanctions. so those who will queue to get the vaccine can be orderly.
It is also possible for the Polish government to limit the number of people who will be vaccinated, and also vaccine injection can be in several
places to avoid crowds. One more important thing there must be strict supervision from the Polish government for the authenticity of the vaccine
to be given to the population, because in my country there are those who replace injectable vaccines with other fluids, because the price of
vaccines is now quite expensive, so be a good business.