Think about it like that: you're a buyer and you see 2 batches of copper ore for sale, from two different sellers. The price is the same, but batch #1 has 6 units of copper, while batch #2 has 10. Which one would you pick, taking your CPU points and your time into account? Buying in bigger batches is an incentive for sellers, and selling in bigger batches is a reward for having more cargo capacity.
Not necessarily true. I might pick the smaller batch because it's closer to rounding up my copper to 10. Or I might just buy both batches because the price is very good. If I buy more than I need, I either have to let the excess take up a marketplace slot, sell the excess to NPC (possibly at a loss), or otherwise handle the excess in some way - so I might just end up with more work with the larger batch.
In any case, regardless of whether you think smaller or bigger batch sizes is more advantageous, it doesn't change the fact that with the current scheme, buying or selling large quantities of merchandise on the marketplace is tedious because of the number of transactions you need.
Besides, just getting to keep more of the ores you mine and getting to move more stuff around easier is reward enough for having large slot capacity. Keeping this scheme for the sake of rewarding sellers with larger slot capacity seems unnecessary.
In-universe, items are not being beamed/teleported, but are being held in escrow and transported around by CONS ships. While en route, they use their own resources, to fulfill the contracts as quickly as possible. And those ships have limited cargo space too, so it makes it easier for their logistics to use "common" slot capacities for batch sizes.
This seems to argue for a
uniform batch size limit (i.e. what's the largest batch size that the CONS ships can handle) rather than a batch size limit that depends on the cargo slot capacity. I mean, the latter is weird if you think about it: let's say 2 guys go to a CONS office to sell 10 ores. The first guy gets to sell as a single batch of 10 because he's flying an upgraded Trucker. The second guy has to sell as 2 batches (8+2) because he's flying an upgraded Bucktooth. Isn't that a weird way of doing things?
Just saw this ad which is just a referral link to another ad network. I don't even.
p/s: typo on "Advertisment"