My 2 blades run cool at the touch even around the voltage regulators. I've got it clocked conservatively at 800mhz. No usb errors ever in the system logs since I got them a little over a week ago. And the first (and last) week on weminerltc, they ran at a steady 10-10.5mhs on their charts.
The 9th and 10th hour just came in at 5.41 and 5.24. And the Last Hour Hashrate right now is 5.2mhs. cgminer is still rocking at 10.8mhs. I'm not sure what's going on. Could you explain your formula a bit more? Thanks much for the input.
Edit: I think I know what's going on. Since the formula for the hash rate is based on accepted shares, all 4 of my blade boards had the proper hash rate, BUT 2 of them did not have the proper wu rates which led to improper accepted rates. ahha. I decided to reset the system and give it another whirl. So far so good. All 4 boards are logging expected numbers. Hopefully, the numbers will reconcile with CM's hash rate. Thanks again for the road map and interesting conversation.
cgminer's "A" is "difficulty 1 shares". In scrypt context a "diffculty 1" share has a probability of 1/65536 (2^16), i.e. on average one out of 65536 hashes will be a diff 1 share. Since we know the number of shares (A) and the probability of each share (1/65536) we can estimate how many hashes the miner calculated (A * 65536). Divided that by the number of seconds and you get hashes per second. The pool must be using something similar to calculate your hashrate, perhaps A+R instead of just A.
WU is directly related to that, I just don't remember the exact formula right now. If some of your boards had a much lower WU, then that's obviously an issue. You can calculate the estimated hashrate for each board separately using the same formula, and if it's been running long enough you can just eyeball the "A" for each board and see which ones are lagging. 10-20% could be normal variance, more than that is certainly suspicious.
I hope you'll get it sorted out.
Thanks for explaining the formula. I read so many different meanings of "difficulty" that it's been difficult for me to figure out what difficulty is. I guess that's why its called difficulty. hahaha. Once I reset cgminer which in turns reset the boards, everything got sorted out. All 4 board's wu were in the 4.x range which is what it suppose to do based on the math, and the accepted shares were distributed nice and evenly. And CM concurred by cranking up the hash rate chart with an avg of 10.2 in the past 7 hours. I now have a better picture on what to look for. Thanks again. You've been a great help.