there are 20 coins right now more profitable than LTC we're on ~90% ... how the heck ?
Please read what I wrote just one page before: when these coins are more profitable than LTC is counted in minutes per day (and/or their difficulty is so small so you can only put limited hashpower on them). During most of the time they're less profitable than LTC because of difficulty readjusting every block. Dozens of such coins can give you 40-70% of combined time when some other coin is more profitable than LTC. And this is when we are mining these coins, but for the remaining time, when LTC is the most profitable, we are mining LTC.
Today (after 15 hours), we put 38% of our hashpower into LTC and 62% into other coins. Mining LTC gave us 60% of LTC profitability because we found only 6 blocks compared to 10 which we should find statistically. This is perfectly normal and mining anywhere between 5 and 15 blocks is normal if you expect to mine 10 blocks in average. Just 4 blocks less skewed our results so much (sometimes it's 4 blocks less, sometimes it's 4 blocks more).
Mining coins other than LTC gave us 112% profitability. Combined together 0.38*60% + 0.62*112% = 92% overall profitability. If we had 100% luck in LTC mining our result would be 0.38*100% + 0.62*112% = 107% overall profitability. If our luck was reversed and we had 140% in LTC (so +40% instead of -40%), our overall would be 0.38*140% + 0.62*112% = 123%.
You can look at it this way:
38% of your hashpower went to mining LTC and you had the same results here which you could have at any straight LTC pool. They also can have 50% or 150% profitability in any given day because of variance/luck. But in the long term (weeks) it will always be 100% on average.
62% of your hashpower went to mining other coins and it gave you 112% profitability which is good these days.
Considering that LTC part can sway between 50% and 150% but in the long term it will always be 100%, you can see our today's result from long-term perspective as 0.38*100% + 0.62*112% = 107%, because in the long term LTC part will always be equal to 100%. So our today's result, if take out LTC luck out of equation and use long-term average for the LTC part, is 107%. Actual result is 92% because of worse than average LTC luck. But in the long term average your results at CleverMining will always be better than LTC and you shouldn't worry because two or three worse days.