
Topic: Are bounty managers to be blamed? - page 10. (Read 5980 times)

hero member
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September 13, 2018, 07:49:07 AM
Not all bounty managers are going to be blamed qhen the ico is a scammed, they are just being hired by an ico to do their bounty campaigns. Some bounty managers are doing their job right and its in the hands of the developer of the project to prosper. But sometimes bounty managers are so lazy and they dont put attention to the campaigns thats why many biunty hunters quit and the promotion of the project is so low.
You should not blame the campaign managers because they are usually doing their job while the campaign is on.
Activity: 30
Merit: 0
September 13, 2018, 07:47:54 AM
it's not easy for bounty managers even to know which bounty is scam, his work is jsut the administration mainly, so i think not he's the main issue in this problem (of course if he didn't know about the scam)
Activity: 168
Merit: 10
September 13, 2018, 07:47:46 AM
I consider the success of any project. This is a combined team of the bounty company. So, that if there are any mistakes. Certainly this is the fault of everyone. Who put his hand to the project.
full member
Activity: 392
Merit: 100
September 13, 2018, 07:43:53 AM
I think most of the time the gift managers don't have control over the distribution of gifts, they just count the cuttings and send them to the ICO manager then they send. So not all projects fail are fraud, some results are unsuccessful for reasons like inexperienced team members who cannot bring the project to success.
Activity: 248
Merit: 10
September 13, 2018, 07:43:24 AM
So ones again we have been scammed by another ICO known as Uchit. Now people have started raining insults and curses on the bounty manager that he has led them to be scammed. Despite the numerous apologies from the manager, bounty hunters do not seem to understand. Now my question is, do you think bounty hunters must be blamed when we are scammed because they knew what the ICO was up to, even from the beginning?

Most of the ICO projects that was started by some fraudulent persons don't disclose their hidden agenda to the bounty managers who later become victims of circumstances, so the blame should not always go them. Thanks
Activity: 314
Merit: 0
September 13, 2018, 07:41:09 AM
In my opinion, the gift manager must be responsible for distributing prizes that are not done. even though the bounty project was successful. so that this will create disappointment from investors, even making Crypto Kapok investors, and he will not invest anymore.
full member
Activity: 504
Merit: 102
September 13, 2018, 07:38:03 AM
So ones again we have been scammed by another ICO known as Uchit. Now people have started raining insults and curses on the bounty manager that he has led them to be scammed. Despite the numerous apologies from the manager, bounty hunters do not seem to understand. Now my question is, do you think bounty hunters must be blamed when we are scammed because they knew what the ICO was up to, even from the beginning?

Bounty managers are also like any bounty hunters hoping to be rewarded from managing the bounty campaign. Sometimes, no matter how much we research or study the project, we cannot read the mind of scammers who only desire to deceive people. but I guess there are some manager who right away informs the public if they sense the project is a scam later on
jr. member
Activity: 182
Merit: 1
Justice as a Service Infrastructure
September 13, 2018, 07:36:35 AM
Ah I think of course to blame , bounty managers themselves choose project which they will to wage, and they must respond for the choice!
Activity: 168
Merit: 10
September 13, 2018, 07:34:58 AM
I think that if there is a problem in the bounty company. If something is not done or is not working. So it's the fault of every developer. And as managers.
Activity: 112
Merit: 0
September 13, 2018, 07:05:52 AM
So ones again we have been scammed by another ICO known as Uchit. Now people have started raining insults and curses on the bounty manager that he has led them to be scammed. Despite the numerous apologies from the manager, bounty hunters do not seem to understand. Now my question is, do you think bounty hunters must be blamed when we are scammed because they knew what the ICO was up to, even from the beginning?

It is not easy for Bounty managers to predict scams. they also didn't know that ico was a scam or not, the bounty manager didn't understand anything and should not blame one party. You should be a bounty hunter to do research to get a good bounty that can pay you.
jr. member
Activity: 182
Merit: 1
September 13, 2018, 06:32:04 AM
Not all bounty managers are going to be blamed qhen the ico is a scammed, they are just being hired by an ico to do their bounty campaigns. Some bounty managers are doing their job right and its in the hands of the developer of the project to prosper. But sometimes bounty managers are so lazy and they dont put attention to the campaigns thats why many biunty hunters quit and the promotion of the project is so low.
Activity: 303
Merit: 10
September 13, 2018, 06:23:10 AM
So ones again we have been scammed by another ICO known as Uchit. Now people have started raining insults and curses on the bounty manager that he has led them to be scammed. Despite the numerous apologies from the manager, bounty hunters do not seem to understand. Now my question is, do you think bounty hunters must be blamed when we are scammed because they knew what the ICO was up to, even from the beginning?
In my opinion, the bounty manager and the prize hunter were not wrong, they were both the same as being fooled by the developer of the Scam project. that's the risk of the bounty manager and the bounty hunter, because doing the same tasks given by the project developer, we cannot completely blame only one party
Activity: 238
Merit: 13
September 13, 2018, 06:19:29 AM
I do not think to blame the reward manager, He is also a worker like us, so there is no right to blame them, so if we get a fraudulent project we are enough to clarify and be more careful about the next project we will do.
jr. member
Activity: 182
Merit: 1
”Decentralized Digital Billboards”
September 13, 2018, 06:10:12 AM
Most companies, when they start to develop their project, do not know whether they will eventually release a working product. This does not mean that developers want to deceive users. To exclude such cases, choose to participate projects that have at least alpha or beta version of the product.
Activity: 51
Merit: 0
September 13, 2018, 04:39:27 AM
There are some bounty managers who genuinely have no link with the team so they are also scammed just like the hunters. On the other hand, there are some who always manage bounties that always end up being a scam. Such people must be blamed and even given red trust.
Activity: 644
Merit: 10
September 13, 2018, 04:19:20 AM
Choose an experienced reward manager certainly better. Then later you regret not choosing the Manager properly. Analysis of project campaign gifts are very important. Until now many people are stuck in campaign gifts scam.
sr. member
Activity: 1400
Merit: 283 - Crypto Sportsbook
September 13, 2018, 03:59:38 AM
Actually it's not the fault of the bounty manager if the project he/she handled are not going to success of not pay us on what we participated of it. The bounty manager was the one to manage the campaign and not for distributing the bounty rewards i think.
jr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 1
September 13, 2018, 03:43:01 AM
If a bounty manager does his job, he should not be blamed.

If most of them had raised the relevant issues and conducted the necessary research before accepting to work for certain ICO's, the bounty hunters would not have suffered much damage.
sr. member
Activity: 490
Merit: 250
September 13, 2018, 03:36:24 AM
Of course they should not be blamed. If you put yourself in their shoes their job is really tough. We shouldnt blame the because scammed projects are unpredictable. Each and everyone must do a research before joining bounties to avoid this incident.
People always need the guilty party. That's how the world works. Cryptoworld included. Bad managers who change the rules on purpose are to blame, they give crypto a bad name and ruin trust in otherwise great projects.
Activity: 112
Merit: 0
September 12, 2018, 04:24:42 PM
they have nothing to blame because they have to set tasks that they have to fulfill and they do them, they can also be deceived by employers
We will never know the whole truth, and whose initiative it was to break the trust of the bounty hunters or change the rules midgame. I wouldn't search for the one to shift blame on, I would try affecting the market leaders so that they invent the mechanism for regulating the ICOs and punishing the scammers.
Yeah, bounty managers could get involved closely to the pool allocated to be distributed without us even knowing, and I bet there are other things that are hidden from the bounty hunters too.
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