
Topic: Are bounty managers to be blamed? - page 8. (Read 5980 times)

jr. member
Activity: 84
Merit: 1
September 16, 2018, 09:17:01 AM
My desire is for the manager to fulfill his duties as a campaign rule and not allow his mood to affect the members of the bounty campaign. And more so that the manager does not use his official position.
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
September 16, 2018, 06:26:28 AM
So ones again we have been scammed by another ICO known as Uchit. Now people have started raining insults and curses on the bounty manager that he has led them to be scammed. Despite the numerous apologies from the manager, bounty hunters do not seem to understand. Now my question is, do you think bounty hunters must be blamed when we are scammed because they knew what the ICO was up to, even from the beginning?
You cannot totally blame the bounty managers in situation whereby they were not aware the project itself is a scam
Activity: 434
Merit: 10
September 16, 2018, 06:23:37 AM
No, they cannot be blamed in my opinion. They are doing their jobs. If they can be blamed, then bounty hunters can be blamed as well because we are also advertising the projects.

Bounty managers should cherish their reputation and responsibly approach the choice of the project. Members of the bounty campaigns do not communicate with the project team directly and they can not check the frauds or not.
sr. member
Activity: 1610
Merit: 406
PredX - AI-Powered Prediction Market
September 15, 2018, 09:16:45 PM
maybe it could be because the manager of the bounty would have signed an agreement and they could have planned a scam with the manager bounty. anything can happen. so indeed we have to find a bounty manager whose credibility is guaranteed
it can indeed happen because I often see managers also get red trust because they promote the scam projeck and also do not pay participants
hero member
Activity: 1470
Merit: 504
September 15, 2018, 09:00:29 PM
maybe it could be because the manager of the bounty would have signed an agreement and they could have planned a scam with the manager bounty. anything can happen. so indeed we have to find a bounty manager whose credibility is guaranteed
Activity: 434
Merit: 10
September 15, 2018, 08:58:27 PM
We must look with the two sides, because in the part of the bounty managers who are managing the projects they have negligence, why? because they don`t analyse first the project what they are trying to advertise, for me the manager is the responsible person who are first must know either the project are scam or not, but in the other point bounty hunters must know also their own responsibilities as bounty hunter they must analyse too the project too before joining those project in that way that way they can avoid scam project.

We must be careful because our success in in our hands.
full member
Activity: 588
Merit: 103
September 15, 2018, 08:05:31 PM
I think the project of the bounty campaign will definetly blamed  the problem of the campaign whether there's a scam or financial problem of the project. It is not easy to be a bounty manager especially when there's so many to handle participants of your campaign.
hero member
Activity: 2716
Merit: 904
September 15, 2018, 07:32:45 PM
So ones again we have been scammed by another ICO known as Uchit. Now people have started raining insults and curses on the bounty manager that he has led them to be scammed. Despite the numerous apologies from the manager, bounty hunters do not seem to understand. Now my question is, do you think bounty hunters must be blamed when we are scammed because they knew what the ICO was up to, even from the beginning?

I think bounty managers should not be blame about scam ICOs they just also a worker like us. Maybe the best solution for BM to get advance payment of tokens/coins to their employers so that they will not be accused as scammers.

Yes i agree, they should not be blame because they are just doing their job as a manager specially to thus manager that not part of the project team, they are like us as a bounty participants, the one should be blame is the team of ICOs behind the project, many expert bounty manager are also fall into a wrong ICOs to be manage and they also got negative trust that i think is should not be given to them.
sr. member
Activity: 616
Merit: 251
September 15, 2018, 07:23:57 PM
So ones again we have been scammed by another ICO known as Uchit. Now people have started raining insults and curses on the bounty manager that he has led them to be scammed. Despite the numerous apologies from the manager, bounty hunters do not seem to understand. Now my question is, do you think bounty hunters must be blamed when we are scammed because they knew what the ICO was up to, even from the beginning?

I think bounty managers should not be blame about scam ICOs they just also a worker like us. Maybe the best solution for BM to get advance payment of tokens/coins to their employers so that they will not be accused as scammers.
hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 504
September 15, 2018, 07:15:34 PM
No, they cannot be blamed in my opinion. They are doing their jobs. If they can be blamed, then bounty hunters can be blamed as well because we are also advertising the projects.
Activity: 555
Merit: 0
September 15, 2018, 07:09:51 PM
I think the blame should be both sided. Firstly the managers should be blamed on one side because they are closer to the project team. A manager should be able to know if the team behind the project are responsible individuals with good reputation in the crypto community or if they are a group of mysterious out of a blue looking guys in the crypto world! Do they meet up his own terms and conditions , if not they cannot meet up the terms of bounty hunters too,
Secondly bounty hunters should share blames too they should have read information about the ICO project and the team behind the project before  they  venture into it.
Activity: 82
Merit: 0
September 14, 2018, 03:48:45 PM
I don't think bounty managers are to be blamed for any scammed ICO projects.  They too are victims who might as well gave their efforts, time and participated in the campaign.  They don't deserved to be treated as scammers as well.
Activity: 275
Merit: 11
September 14, 2018, 03:19:47 PM
Partially they are to be blamed and the half to the bounty hunters. There are series of ICO around which when you see the template you will know that they  are punch of fakes around.
I think we must not to blamed them because they are also gave efforts in able to success there projects in ICO and the way to support there project , instead of that we must hoping that even a years will past by they are able to catch up the project just to benefits the participants even a small amount of fund.
Activity: 210
Merit: 0
September 14, 2018, 10:38:17 AM
We can not blame the bounty manager because they can not know the ICO is scam and they never force us to join the ICO they are managing. I think we should take responsibility for ourselves because we do not learn the ICO well before joining.
sr. member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 301
September 14, 2018, 10:34:34 AM
Well I don't really think that they are to be blamed because of managing a scam bounty,
They  also been scammed they also waste their time by managing it and also their reputation is at risk when they accept it.
full member
Activity: 490
Merit: 102
September 14, 2018, 10:32:27 AM
I think Bounty Hunters should read information about ICO project and explore technology and team and only after that invest voney or take part in bounty. But they don't do it mostly.
Activity: 90
Merit: 0
September 14, 2018, 10:29:54 AM
I think we can not completely blame the bounty manager for this unless the manager is part of the ICO team itself. because there are also managers who get paid after the project ends, if the project is a scam managers are also not getting a salary.
full member
Activity: 882
Merit: 100
September 14, 2018, 10:11:04 AM
Scammers are everywhere. Even managers with whom you often communicated, with whom you participated in all companies and performed everything unconditionally - will deceive you.
jr. member
Activity: 147
Merit: 8
September 14, 2018, 03:55:03 AM
I think this is necessary and the bounty manager must be responsible for his actions. This is the best forum in the world, and we need to work together to maintain him.
Activity: 44
Merit: 0
September 14, 2018, 03:50:42 AM
For me the bounty manager is being paid a nice reward (and probably skimming the top) so they should be held accountable for scam bounties.  If they can't get the job done I'm sure others can.  Tossing the bad managers is the only way to progress.  Sounds harsh but all this niceness is why we are in the mess to begin with. 
and what does the manager have to do if the administration decides to throw their hunters? he certainly can intervene, but he does not make the decision. The manager is to blame only in case if he knew that the project was not honest
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