Sometimes you can be a decent guy James, and other times you're just here to FUD, such a shame.
The XMR camp made me a bit cranky and I look and see XMR/BBR ratio is at 40:1
Is it a coincidence that after I make positive statement some big daily dump happens?
Havent you XMR guys done enough to poor little boolberry? It doesnt even show up on the top 100 any more. Why are you so threatened by BBR? It makes me think that XMR camp is still scared of BBR. Why else are you still monitoring this thread and dumping on polo to counter any positivity that I might have said?
Do you really honestly feel that XMR is worth 40 times BBR? I am trying to help all cryptos, but if XMR camp wants to wage war against the other anons, then maybe we all have to unite against XMR. Is that what XMR wants? All the other anon coins united against XMR? This constant attacking of the other coins will lead to that out of necessity to survive.
Leave BBR alone. You made your point. XMR has big BTC whales that can afford to use their old mining gear to mine most of the BBR and dump it to cost of electricity. The more you abuse BBR, the more I feel sorry for it and want to help. It is like you are torturing a small puppy. Stop these daily dumps.
I see you started the same sort of operation against BTCD with these 50 BTC dumps all at once. Too bad BTCD just came out of nowhere before you could accumulate too much. I do not want to go to war against XMR, but you cannot attack BTCD and BBR and all the other anon coins and expect there to be no consequences. I offer peace and cooperation to XMR. I hope you will just leave us alone. fiat is the enemy not the other cryptos.
This seems a tad melodramatic... is there any evidence to suggest that the "XMR camp" is to blame for all the world's ills?
Usually if you follow the money, you find some answers. Who gains the most if BBR is gone? When did the price ratio start diverging so much? Why is some major XMR guy actively following a coin not even in the top 100?
No one thing is conclusive. Put together, it shows the possibility of a coherent campaign against BBR to demoralize the community. Now it seems to have succeeded so far. I do have a chunk of BBR, but it is worth just like pocket change to me. XMR keeps attacking, then it will motivate me to help BBR all out of proportion to what it is worth to me.
So the more crap XMR gives BBR, the more it will make me want to help BBR. I approached the XMR guys and other than accusing me of using sockpuppets and that XMR is the work of God, they mostly just ignored me. So they want to pick a fight, then I will fight. If they want to cooperate, then I will cooperate. However, I was told quite plainly that I am not smart enough to be able to offer them anything of value.
So I am back to where I started my anon escapade, but with a bit more to offer this time around. XMR is not interested in Teleport, but I am thinking that combining teleport with cryptonote is the most powerful anon possible, bar none.
P.S. I just anti-dumped and bought back to .00017