Guys, is there a definite reference somewhere about what exactly you can set "-ecri" to? Intensity 5-9 doesn't seem to make much difference for me as far as the output effective in MHash/sec, anyway.
I remember seeing "-dcri 30" (or "-ecri 30") somewhere, but I can't put my finger on it. Seems way out of what I remember.
I am trying "-dcri 12" right now, just to see if it really moves the Mhash/sec
It varies a lot based on what GPU, and what coin. Decred you use higher -dcri than sia, an pascal even lower. Nvidia cards are pretty bad at dual mining. For 580 it may vary between 10-40 depending on algorithm and clocks.
Damn! That's
_WAY_ higher than I even guessed it could be. I'll set it to 35 and let 'er rip for a while. I'm still a noob, no doubt about it, but I do remember seeing "30" listed somewhere. I thought it was a single digit, and as I recall it's set to 9 by default?
Anyway, let's see how it rides. My mining rig with dual Asus RX590's and a Asus GTX1080 GPUs will be put together next week.
One a side note, I sure am glad that I purchased my video cards back during the holiday season instead of postponing it until I was ready to invest more heavily. The prices I found when I went looking yesterday are just freaking insane! My 1080 "OC" version is now going to around $900, and that's IF you can find it. Darned RX590's are up to $600/$750 again - IFF. I went back and looked at the "README" file and it does discuss it somewhat, but nothing truly conclusive about what you want/need, especially for nVidia-based GPUs.
One other side note that I should post while I am thinking about it, since I feel certain that Claymore actually reads this thread: "Please!" blank out or mask the -mport -mpsw in the log files: I wanted a friend to take a look at them to see what he might notice as far as my restart problem and noticed that it's printed in clear text at the top of the log when the command-line is echo'd out to the log. Not good security, and we have enough things to remember these days.
Thanks, everyone!
P.S.: I noted when I tried "-ecri 35" that the max possible (at least for nVidia, I guess) is 16. That's where I am at this point.