@mezzomix, ich danke dir für deine Meinungen/Analysen bzgl. segwit. Manchmal muss man mich auf den Teppich zurückholen, ich werde leicht emotional bei dem Thema.
Im Ether findet grade der erste richtige abverkauf statt
endlich mal. Aber da geht noch was, noch ist's in etwa dasselbe Kaliber wie vor ~ 10 Tagen.
Die Linien sind eher willkürlich.
Könnte mir aber vorstellen, daß es noch bis 0.02 (untere Linie) oder sogar 0.015 (vorletztes Hoch) runtergeht die Tage. Mehr glaub erstmal nicht.
Was meint ihr?
Auch notable: Bitcoin hat jetzt nicht soo viel zugelegt. Vielleicht ist einiges in fiat geflossen, das ist ja jetzt seit Montag durch bitfinex noch einfacher geworden.
hm ETH über Fiat aberverkauft und nun zurück Fiat über Bitcoin wieder in ETH rein.. interessantes gespann, tja wie schon gesagt Wettbewerb belebt das Geschäft.
edit: ups
Bank Tellers Increasingly Involved in Identity Theft, Prosecutor Says
March 16, 2016 10:56 AM
Good Morning America
Identity theft is a growing problem across the nation, and Manhattan’s top district attorney says that bank tellers are increasingly involved, adding that his office prosecutes one case per month involving tellers.
The tellers in question are part of larger identity theft rings, District Attorney Cyrus Vance said in a recent interview with ABC News’ Rebecca Jarvis.
“Bank tellers have access to very confidential data ... they’re selling to that to individuals on the outside, who will then take that information and turn it into credit cards or checks,” Vance said.
Asked whether people around the country should be worried, Vance replied: “I think we should all be worried. That doesn't mean we should all panic.”
Why Everyone's to Blame for Identity Theft
One victim who did not want to be named because she said she continues to be an identity theft target told ABC News that she had thousands of dollars stolen just weeks before her wedding.
The woman said she had no idea that a bank teller had stolen her identity -- along with the identities of 28 fellow customers -- until she received a letter from Chase Bank informing her of the alleged theft.
The letter said, in part: “A former employee may have accessed your account information without authorization and gave it to someone outside of Chase.”
https://gma.yahoo.com/bank-tellers-increasingly-involved-identity-theft-prosecutor-says-120458234--abc-news-personal-finance.html?soc_src=mediacontentstory&soc_trk=tw#es war ein tweet.. gefunden mit #newmoney
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