Yesterday there were 2 matches whose outcome surprised me. The first one is of course Pain vs OG.When I look at the OG team, I think that it was a mixed team of young players, all talented from each other, but due to inexperience, such a defeat was taken. Otherwise, I think that OG's players are much stronger and more talented than Pain.Of course, this defeat is not very important for them, but it was proof that some lessons were learned. The other match was NiP losing to grayhound. While NiP won 16-2 on the map grayhound chose, they failed to show this success on other maps and were defeated as a result.I think that NiP's roster is not settled and they still need time and I want to think that this roster will achieve great success over time.Otherwise, NiP will be dragged into a collapse.I hope that the roster is strong now, but there is a disagreement between the players and this will be resolved soon.
Yet performance of NIP did not surprise me at all. I do not know how Aleksib, after getting benched in 3, teams before, is still taken seriously to tier1 teams. G2, OG, all of these squads, full of such great players (maybe NBK was not as good) failed even in major qualifications. How far this can go? Australian CS was always the one getting roasted around the whole world, only Dexter achieved something. Losing to such team as Grayhound, with 1 map lead, and also 9:6 lead on 2nd map, mirage, is a sign to move on with such IGL as AleksiB is. He just can not perform such as he used to back in the days, when he was in Ence.