If by promotion you mean ranking up, then the OP gives you what you need to know (or even simply the post above yours). Your account doesn’t really have many posts at all (36), and was created in 2018 (not 2017).
Regardless, simply put, you need to gain both Activity (by posting - with a max. of 14 gainable Activity points per two weeks in general terms, although it’s a bit more complex) and Merits (by posting decent content that others may or not award Merit to at some point).
You currently have a standing Activity of 35 and 0 Merits, so your first potential next rank is Jr. Member, which requires >= 30 Activity and >= 1 Merit.
With the above in mind, reread the OP, and the enclosed link to the thread that explains the Merit System. It should be easier to follow now.
<…> 250 aktivity <…>
240 Activity really for Sr. Member (plus the Merits you mentioned).