Les juifs ils se contredisent eux meme, le fait que certains juifs soient anti-sioniste vient du fait que la Torah leur interdit de revenir en terre d’Israël tant que le messi n'est pas revenu.
Et c'est ce que prêchent les juifs de la photo Yaplatu.
La creation de l'etat israel en 1948 était déjà une mauvaise solution.
La Palestine (territoire ou Israël a été crée) est et a toujours été un territoire "arabe".
Il n'y a qu'a regarder autours. Ensuite, la Palestine a été musulmane pendant plus de 1000 ans.
Jusqu'en 1918 ou l’Angleterre saisie le territoire suite a la défaite de la Turquie dans la seconde guerre mondiale.
Ensuite vient l'importation :
Between 1919 and 1923, another 40,000 Jews arrived in Palestine
Between 1924 and 1929, 82,000 more Jews arrived (Fourth Aliyah), fleeing antisemitism in Poland and Hungary, and because the United States Immigration Act of 1924 now kept Jews out
In 1933, the Jewish Agency and the Nazis negotiated the Ha'avara Agreement (transfer agreement), under which 50,000 Jews would be transferred to Palestine
Between 1929 and 1938, 250,000 Jews arrived in Palestine (Fifth Aliyah). 174,000 arrived between 1933 and 1936
Extrait de recensement du mandat anglais :
In 1920, the British Government's Interim Report on the Civil Administration of Palestine stated that there were hardly 700,000 people living in Palestine:
There are now in the whole of Palestine hardly 700,000 people, a population much less than that of the province of Gallilee alone in the time of Christ. Of these 235,000 live in the larger towns, 465,000 in the smaller towns and villages. Four-fifths of the whole population are Moslems. A small proportion of these are Bedouin Arabs; the remainder, although they speak Arabic and are termed Arabs, are largely of mixed race. Some 77,000 of the population are Christians, in large majority belonging to the Orthodox Church, and speaking Arabic. The minority are members of the Latin or of the Uniate Greek Catholic Church, or—a small number—are Protestants. The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. In the following 30 years a few hundreds came to Palestine. Most of them were animated by religious motives; they came to pray and to die in the Holy Land, and to be buried in its soil. After the persecutions in Russia forty years ago, the movement of the Jews to Palestine assumed larger proportions. Jewish agricultural colonies were founded. They developed the culture of oranges and gave importance to the Jaffa orange trade. They cultivated the vine, and manufactured and exported wine. They drained swamps. They planted eucalyptus trees. They practised, with modern methods, all the processes of agriculture. There are at the present time 64 of these settlements, large and small, with a population of some 15,000.[39]
By 1948, the population had risen to 1,900,000, of whom 68% were Arabs, and 32% were Jews (UNSCOP report, including Bedouin).
Report and general abstract of the Jewish agriculture was taken by the Palestine Zionist Executive in April 1927.
In the late nineteenth century, prior to the rise of Zionism, Jews are thought to have comprised between 2% to 5% of the population of Palestine, although the precise population is not known.[30]
According to Alexander Scholch, Palestine in 1850 had about 350,000 inhabitants, 30% of whom lived in 13 towns; roughly 85% were Muslims, 11% were Christians and 4% Jews
Il n'y avait presque pas de juifs en Israel il y a 200 ans,
Si demain 1 million d'italien s'installent en corse et ensuite se déclarent indépendant, on fait quoi ?
Idem pour Alsace et Lorraine avec nos amis Allemands.
Alors que les Musulman soient fache car les juifs leur ont pris leur maison je comprend,
Apres tout, nous on etait pas trop content quand les Allemand on pris les notres .....