Hiya. Sorry to be a pest, but it appears that my last 12,000 or so shares have not been appearing in my account or workers pages on the website for eu2.triplemining.com - the connection is fine, and only 3 rejected, just wanted to check if you are on top of it. They will update once a new block is found?
Let me explain how triplemining works, before answering your question.
We have 2 nodes, eu1 and eu2 (eu is an alias for eu1). We've designed the system so that in any possible case, the pool cannot be down. How do we achieve this: each node has it's own database, with a copy of the user table, and it stores the found shares locally. In a separated process, these shares are replicated to our main node that runs the main site. If for any reason, servers go down or anything else goes terribly wrong, eu1 and eu2 can continue on their own as they have no dependencies on anything else. So, up till now, we've can proudly say that our pool has had a 100% uptime since we introduced eu2 for those miners that use eu1 and eu2 as failover for each other. eu1 and eu2 are on completely different networks in different datacenters, several hundreds of kilometers seperated. This will make it very unlikely that our pool will ever go completely down, as long as miners use both in a failover method.
This does mean that if something goes wrong, the first thing to break is the synchronization between the servers. This is not a real problem, as the code is aware of such possibility, and if a block is found, the payout code will wait until both clusters have been synchronized fully before doing any payouts or calculations. The downside is that if something breaks, the statistics will be incomplete, waiting for the shares found on either cluster to be fully synced.
We have had some issues with eu2 a few days ago, outside our control, which have forced us to temporary disable our monitoring on the eu2 cluster. We've forgot to re-enable monitoring after these issues were resolved, causing us not to notice that eu2 was not syncing to the main servers. This caused your shares not to appear on your pages. As the code would not do any calculations when a block is found, this is only a "cosmetic" problem, we can guarantee that only when all shares are reported, the calculations and payouts would have been done.
I've restarted the syncing, so all statistics are correct again.
For those mining with triplemining, as a reminder: please configure your miner to use eu1 as main pool, and eu2 as backup pool if it is unavailable, or the other way around, eu2 as main pool and eu1 as backup. This guaranties that your miner will always be able to work on our pool without any problems, even if our servers go down, as it is highly unlikely that both datacenters become unreachable at the same time.