Here's my current balance:
Unpaid Balance Extra Credit
As of last block*: 0.34253887 BTC 0.33829912 BTC
Unpaid + EC totals higher than 0.67, I am not currently mining here and not planning to start until the new system is fully in place and rewards are being sent out smoothly. I believe there are others in similar situation and with the same question in mind:
When can I expect to get paid, and more importantly, how much?
That EC number is no longer accurate because at least one block has been found since the switch to CPPSRB. That having been said, you can expect to be paid your real unpaid balance (as of the last SMPPS block if you haven't been mining since before then, or including whatever CPPSRB mining you did do if you have) at the latter of the following:
1) 7 days after the last SMPPS block (if you were no longer mining at that point)
2) After wizkid gets the CPPSRB code in place (no one gets any payouts before that, period)
3) After other unpaid balances "older" than yours get paid out as necessary (assuming the pool doesn't actually have the BTC for the unpaid balances, which I have no theory on)
Regardless, any EC you think has turned into unpaid balance afer the switch to CPPSRB didn't really and will NOT be paid out until / unless you mine on a lucky block (I'm thinking >100% on the current stats page, much different than calculations seen at some other pools), at which point part of it will be paid out (up to all of it, in theory) based on how many shares you submitted during that block.
The "Unpaid Balance" for every miner, regardless of how low of a value it is, is due to miners and the pool does in fact have the funds to pay those amounts. The extra credit will only be able to be paid as possible based on pool luck.
The balances on the stats pages are not completely accurate, as they are still based on SMPPS. (There is a huge red notice at the top of every stats page about this...)
You can check what you're balance was as of the last SMPPS block in the raw JSON output from the coinbaser script here: should contain every single address with any balance (balance or credit).
After this, data will follow CPPSRB. This is documented here: (It mentions a 25 BTC block reward in anticipation of the reward halving happening at block 210,000. I'll note again, even through it is noted there, that the system will obviously use the normal 50 BTC block reward while it is still possible, to avoid confusion.)
CPPSRB will still have the 7-day timeout for inactivity, but, keep in mind that CPPSRB can still pay for old shares (extra credit under SMPPS) so, it can still take a while to go fully inactive. After the system is up and running I do believe I will be replacing the timeout with an actual "no longer mining" timeout to get miners their balances when they stop mining, and when they are paid it will reset the timeout. So, if they get any backpay, they'll get another payment in 7 days, etc.