I had to laugh because you are so consistent on holding on your account even though it looks pretty unlikely getting the red trust away.
I technically have neutral trust right now. However even when I did have "red" trust, (eg a "trade with extreme caution" tag), I was able to participate in signature deals, was able to engage in trades at favorable prices/rates to me, and was entrusted with multiple other people's money in fairly decent amounts. I also feel that I have a decent amount of respect.
Only realized it now, you have -104 or so because of my trust list.
And yes I agree you still have a lot of respect.
I agree you are a good spambuster but you might remember that i at least once spoke against your red trust. I think you gave red trust way too freely. Red trust can practically destroy an account and it seems to me the complaints about your ratings were not only from scammers but from people who genuinely felt their feeling of justice hurt.
I don't think any QS threads were created by anyone who did not have a negative rating from me.
I think that doesn't really matter. There were alot who claimed you give everyone red trust that criticized you so that fact? might be no wonder.
Some people may say that I was quick to leave a negative rating, however I never left a negative rating without evaluating all of the facts and information available to me.
I know, but your evaluating was not seldom of a kind that a big majority disagreed with you and you still held onto your rating because you, for example, felt that someone would have wanted to scam.
I was also very rarely incorrect about someone being a scammer, and when I was outright wrong, I would quickly remove any negative trust that I left when evidence is presented that shows I was wrong (case in point
ndnhcas the evidence that I presented stood up to scrutiny for several days, and once ndnhc pointed out something that no one else did I removed my negative rating and apologized).
For the most part I never left negative trust unless something was actually stolen, or if there was a clear attempt to steal (or an alt thereof)
I think the "for the most part" was the problem. I had the feeling of you being stubborn often enough as long as the victim could not provide proof against your rating. Which of course was impossible when you rated on a feeling that someonew wanted to scam only, so no scam happened at all at that time.
But let's not make this thread into a quickseller discussion. I think I wrote all points I think on that point already. Yes I agree with you doing good work as spambuster, only your rating technique is somewhat destructive at times.