
Topic: Scientific proof that God exists? - page 28. (Read 845591 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
June 11, 2019, 12:37:32 PM
^^^ It was my God AND your God Who did it.

The even more key question is why there has to be a why... since we all are mentally so retarded - when compared with God and what exists - that we couldn't understand the "why" if it were explained to us with the precision necessary to answer why.

But to answer it in simple form, note how you are claiming the capability to answer the mentally unanswerable questions, especially the one that suggests that there is no God. When you do this, you are actually setting yourself up as god, as though you have the power to answer.

What you are showing is that we are all essentially gods in some way. As for God, we previously went round and round with one outside-the-universe. So, to us there is one God because there is one outside. If we were in the realm of the outside, there might be multiple of this and that. But outside is so foreign to us that even suggesting anything about it is impossible.

God is One.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
June 11, 2019, 12:07:03 PM
^^^ Wow! You have checked out the whole universe and found that God doesn't exist anywhere. Why, to do that, you... you... you must be... god!


Then how do you know the flying spaghetti god monster doesnt exist? You believe your god does but the spaghetti one doesnt, have you been everywhere in the universe?Huh?

If someone takes all the info we have about God, and suggests that the fsm has all of God's attributes, then that person is really talking about God. If the only info you have for the fsm is that the waitress tripped, and the plate of spaghetti went flying, you really have a pathetic god in the fsm. If you ascribe certain attributes to the fsm, do they match what would be necessary for universe creation and maintenance?

Other than idiocy, what are you really trying to say?

The machine nature of the universe proves that God exists, as you well know. Machines have makers, as you well know. Universe-machine is so great that it can only have God as its Maker.

We talked all of this already. You know God exists. And you know that you will be destroyed if you don't acknowledge Him. The real question is the scientific reason(s) why you want destruction so badly.


True, we did talk about it, you were never able to prove why the universe requires to have just 1 creator and not multiple, like multiple gods, multiple aliens, multiple other creators.

Since your existence proves God to you, you are simply following the reasoning of the evil one. Look below to see that the things you are doing, have been done long ago by a master of deceit, whose craftiness you can't begin to imagine or use... even though you try.

Now among the angels which God had created, there was one so surpassingly beautiful that he was named Lucifer, the Bearer of Light. He is generally thought to have been an Archangel, but some suppose that he must have been much higher in rank perhaps one of the Cherubim or Seraphim who reflect the immediate and most intense glory of the divine radiance. Since an angel is, like God, aware of himself, one of the first things that Lucifer noticed was the unbelievable grandeur of the being which God had given him. He realized that it would really be impossible for the Almighty to create anything more excellent that he, Lucifer, was really the crowning triumph of God's handiwork.

He looked again into the heart of the Holy Trinity, and as his gaze went deeper and deeper into that abyss of light he began to share the divine vision of the future. And there, to his complete amazement, he saw that God was preparing a far higher place in heaven, an honour more glorious than the rank of Cherub and Seraph, for creatures who by comparison with angels were coarse and crude in the extreme. He saw that he was to be outclassed in the hierarchy of heaven by beings with fleshly and hairy bodies almost animals. He saw that, of all things, a woman was to be his Queen. Far worse than this, he saw that Logos/Sophia, God the Son himself was to become man, and to set one of those "vile bodies" upon the very Throne of Heaven.

At all this Lucifer was at once inflamed with a mystery called Malice. Out of his own heart, by his own choice, by the free and unconstrained exercise of his own will, he preferred his own angelic glory to that of the Divine Purpose which was to "corrupt itself* with humanity. With all the wisdom and foreknowledge possible to an angel, Lucifer could see at once what his malice would involve. He could see, beyond any power of mortal imagination, the everlasting damnation which must inevitably follow from rebellion against God. He realized quite clearly that such rebellion was, as it were, to throw himself with all his might, for ever and ever, against a wall of adamant. Nevertheless, he considered it more noble to rebel and rebel for ever than to surrender the pride of his angelic dignity, and to pay homage to a Body less luminous and spiritual than his own. He was convinced that God's wisdom had gone astray, that the Creator had forgotten himself and he determined to have no part in such lese mateste, -such an undignified aberration in the otherwise beautiful scheme of creation. Certainly he would have to submit to the utmost wrath, to complete rejection from That which was, after all, the Being of his being. But one thing he need not surrender, the one thing which God had given him as his very own, for all eternity >>> his own will.

Along with Lucifer, there were many other angels who felt the same way ...  and all together, with Lucifer at their head, they turned their backs upon the Beatific Vision, flying and falling from the Godhead towards that ever/receding twilight where Being borders upon Nothing, to the Outer Darkness. It was thus that they put themselves in the service of Nothing rather than the service of Being, and so became the nihilists who were to do their utmost to frustrate the creative handiwork of God, and most especially to corrupt the fleshly humanity which he intended to honour. In this manner a whole host of the angels became devils, and their prince became Satan, the Adversary, and Beelzebub, the Lord of Flies.

Yet because God was infinite, because the shekinah reached out for ever and ever, the devils found no escape from his light. Turning from it they found it facing them. Above and below, and around on every side, they rushed towards darkness and found always the inescapable Light, the hated Love which began to burn them like a raging fire, so that the only escape lay inwards, to the solitary, isolated sanctuary of their own wills. Therefore this place of isolation and solitary confinement, where the light of God torments and gives no gladness, became the place of Satan's dominion, the Kingdom of Hell. Here he ruled over his own angelic hierarchy with its Powers, Principalities, Archangels, and Angels of Night... .

Something must be said here as to the true nature of angelic evil, since most people are not aware of any greater evils than lust, cruelty, murder, drunkenness, greed, and sloth. From the angelic point of view these "sins of the flesh" are as far from real evil as conventional goodness is removed from true sanctity or holiness. Very few human beings have the courage, the persistence, the very asceticism necessary for the perfect service of Satan which requires that one perform miracles of darkness, as the saints perform miracles of light. From this standpoint, characters such as Genghis Khan, the Marquis de Sade, Heinrich Himmler, and Jack the Ripper are mere blunderers. The true Satanist must always have the outward aspect of an angel of light, and will never, under any circumstances, resort to the cruder, violent types of evil. He must be so clever that only an expert in holiness can discern him, for in this way he may far more effectively mislead the sons of men and please his infernal Master, whose supreme craft lies in Deception, and subtle confusion of the truth.



My existence proves god to me? Ok? You are still not answering the key question here which is, why there has to be just 1 god, your argument doesn't rule out the possibility of multiple gods or creators so why would you claim it was your god who did it?
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
June 11, 2019, 09:36:01 AM
^^^ Wow! You have checked out the whole universe and found that God doesn't exist anywhere. Why, to do that, you... you... you must be... god!


Then how do you know the flying spaghetti god monster doesnt exist? You believe your god does but the spaghetti one doesnt, have you been everywhere in the universe?Huh?

If someone takes all the info we have about God, and suggests that the fsm has all of God's attributes, then that person is really talking about God. If the only info you have for the fsm is that the waitress tripped, and the plate of spaghetti went flying, you really have a pathetic god in the fsm. If you ascribe certain attributes to the fsm, do they match what would be necessary for universe creation and maintenance?

Other than idiocy, what are you really trying to say?

The machine nature of the universe proves that God exists, as you well know. Machines have makers, as you well know. Universe-machine is so great that it can only have God as its Maker.

We talked all of this already. You know God exists. And you know that you will be destroyed if you don't acknowledge Him. The real question is the scientific reason(s) why you want destruction so badly.


True, we did talk about it, you were never able to prove why the universe requires to have just 1 creator and not multiple, like multiple gods, multiple aliens, multiple other creators.

Since your existence proves God to you, you are simply following the reasoning of the evil one. Look below to see that the things you are doing, have been done long ago by a master of deceit, whose craftiness you can't begin to imagine or use... even though you try.

Now among the angels which God had created, there was one so surpassingly beautiful that he was named Lucifer, the Bearer of Light. He is generally thought to have been an Archangel, but some suppose that he must have been much higher in rank perhaps one of the Cherubim or Seraphim who reflect the immediate and most intense glory of the divine radiance. Since an angel is, like God, aware of himself, one of the first things that Lucifer noticed was the unbelievable grandeur of the being which God had given him. He realized that it would really be impossible for the Almighty to create anything more excellent that he, Lucifer, was really the crowning triumph of God's handiwork.

He looked again into the heart of the Holy Trinity, and as his gaze went deeper and deeper into that abyss of light he began to share the divine vision of the future. And there, to his complete amazement, he saw that God was preparing a far higher place in heaven, an honour more glorious than the rank of Cherub and Seraph, for creatures who by comparison with angels were coarse and crude in the extreme. He saw that he was to be outclassed in the hierarchy of heaven by beings with fleshly and hairy bodies almost animals. He saw that, of all things, a woman was to be his Queen. Far worse than this, he saw that Logos/Sophia, God the Son himself was to become man, and to set one of those "vile bodies" upon the very Throne of Heaven.

At all this Lucifer was at once inflamed with a mystery called Malice. Out of his own heart, by his own choice, by the free and unconstrained exercise of his own will, he preferred his own angelic glory to that of the Divine Purpose which was to "corrupt itself* with humanity. With all the wisdom and foreknowledge possible to an angel, Lucifer could see at once what his malice would involve. He could see, beyond any power of mortal imagination, the everlasting damnation which must inevitably follow from rebellion against God. He realized quite clearly that such rebellion was, as it were, to throw himself with all his might, for ever and ever, against a wall of adamant. Nevertheless, he considered it more noble to rebel and rebel for ever than to surrender the pride of his angelic dignity, and to pay homage to a Body less luminous and spiritual than his own. He was convinced that God's wisdom had gone astray, that the Creator had forgotten himself and he determined to have no part in such lese mateste, -such an undignified aberration in the otherwise beautiful scheme of creation. Certainly he would have to submit to the utmost wrath, to complete rejection from That which was, after all, the Being of his being. But one thing he need not surrender, the one thing which God had given him as his very own, for all eternity >>> his own will.

Along with Lucifer, there were many other angels who felt the same way ...  and all together, with Lucifer at their head, they turned their backs upon the Beatific Vision, flying and falling from the Godhead towards that ever/receding twilight where Being borders upon Nothing, to the Outer Darkness. It was thus that they put themselves in the service of Nothing rather than the service of Being, and so became the nihilists who were to do their utmost to frustrate the creative handiwork of God, and most especially to corrupt the fleshly humanity which he intended to honour. In this manner a whole host of the angels became devils, and their prince became Satan, the Adversary, and Beelzebub, the Lord of Flies.

Yet because God was infinite, because the shekinah reached out for ever and ever, the devils found no escape from his light. Turning from it they found it facing them. Above and below, and around on every side, they rushed towards darkness and found always the inescapable Light, the hated Love which began to burn them like a raging fire, so that the only escape lay inwards, to the solitary, isolated sanctuary of their own wills. Therefore this place of isolation and solitary confinement, where the light of God torments and gives no gladness, became the place of Satan's dominion, the Kingdom of Hell. Here he ruled over his own angelic hierarchy with its Powers, Principalities, Archangels, and Angels of Night... .

Something must be said here as to the true nature of angelic evil, since most people are not aware of any greater evils than lust, cruelty, murder, drunkenness, greed, and sloth. From the angelic point of view these "sins of the flesh" are as far from real evil as conventional goodness is removed from true sanctity or holiness. Very few human beings have the courage, the persistence, the very asceticism necessary for the perfect service of Satan which requires that one perform miracles of darkness, as the saints perform miracles of light. From this standpoint, characters such as Genghis Khan, the Marquis de Sade, Heinrich Himmler, and Jack the Ripper are mere blunderers. The true Satanist must always have the outward aspect of an angel of light, and will never, under any circumstances, resort to the cruder, violent types of evil. He must be so clever that only an expert in holiness can discern him, for in this way he may far more effectively mislead the sons of men and please his infernal Master, whose supreme craft lies in Deception, and subtle confusion of the truth.


Activity: 13
Merit: 0
June 11, 2019, 09:11:40 AM
its matter of trust. Neither we can neglect nor accept.
hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
June 11, 2019, 08:32:28 AM
^^^ Wow! You have checked out the whole universe and found that God doesn't exist anywhere. Why, to do that, you... you... you must be... god!


Then how do you know the flying spaghetti god monster doesnt exist? You believe your god does but the spaghetti one doesnt, have you been everywhere in the universe?Huh?

If someone takes all the info we have about God, and suggests that the fsm has all of God's attributes, then that person is really talking about God. If the only info you have for the fsm is that the waitress tripped, and the plate of spaghetti went flying, you really have a pathetic god in the fsm. If you ascribe certain attributes to the fsm, do they match what would be necessary for universe creation and maintenance?

Other than idiocy, what are you really trying to say?

The machine nature of the universe proves that God exists, as you well know. Machines have makers, as you well know. Universe-machine is so great that it can only have God as its Maker.

We talked all of this already. You know God exists. And you know that you will be destroyed if you don't acknowledge Him. The real question is the scientific reason(s) why you want destruction so badly.


True, we did talk about it, you were never able to prove why the universe requires to have just 1 creator and not multiple, like multiple gods, multiple aliens, multiple other creators.
jr. member
Activity: 224
Merit: 1
June 11, 2019, 08:27:35 AM
You should believe in god
Why is that? I mean what's the point of believeing that there's a guy up in the skies watching you
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
June 11, 2019, 08:27:03 AM
You should believe in god

Believing in God really means what? Does it mean that you know that He exists? Does it mean that you believe the things He tells you? Obviously, if you believe what He says, you must believe that He exists.

This thread is for the scientific proof that God exists. The fact that you somehow know that He exists, and that you believe Him when He talks to you is commendable. But what is the scientific proof?

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
June 11, 2019, 08:23:28 AM
^^^ Wow! You have checked out the whole universe and found that God doesn't exist anywhere. Why, to do that, you... you... you must be... god!


Then how do you know the flying spaghetti god monster doesnt exist? You believe your god does but the spaghetti one doesnt, have you been everywhere in the universe?Huh?

If someone takes all the info we have about God, and suggests that the fsm has all of God's attributes, then that person is really talking about God. If the only info you have for the fsm is that the waitress tripped, and the plate of spaghetti went flying, you really have a pathetic god in the fsm. If you ascribe certain attributes to the fsm, do they match what would be necessary for universe creation and maintenance?

Other than idiocy, what are you really trying to say?

The machine nature of the universe proves that God exists, as you well know. Machines have makers, as you well know. Universe-machine is so great that it can only have God as its Maker.

We talked all of this already. You know God exists. And you know that you will be destroyed if you don't acknowledge Him. The real question is the scientific reason(s) why you want destruction so badly.

hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
June 11, 2019, 08:14:31 AM
Yea God exist.first try to study how we live and who hold our lifes.
Study also all planet and universe why they rotating there own with out holding it.
Peoples,animals,plants who made that?
Is a scientist can give life? How come why they didnt believe in God.
Also the bible why whats in the written in the books are truely and existing.
We never see God but the proof is us.

Studying planets and the universe to prove god??? Lul more like disproving god, its called gravity. Science proves the bible to be false.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
June 11, 2019, 07:51:29 AM
yes , but you need deep meditation to understand this
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
June 11, 2019, 07:51:11 AM
You should believe in god
full member
Activity: 2478
Merit: 215
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
June 11, 2019, 07:15:39 AM
Yea God exist.first try to study how we live and who hold our lifes.
Study also all planet and universe why they rotating there own with out holding it.
Peoples,animals,plants who made that?
Is a scientist can give life? How come why they didnt believe in God.
Also the bible why whats in the written in the books are truely and existing.
We never see God but the proof is us.
hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
June 11, 2019, 03:00:31 AM
^^^ Wow! You have checked out the whole universe and found that God doesn't exist anywhere. Why, to do that, you... you... you must be... god!


Then how do you know the flying spaghetti god monster doesnt exist? You believe your god does but the spaghetti one doesnt, have you been everywhere in the universe?Huh?
hero member
Activity: 2506
Merit: 644 - Mars, here we come!
June 11, 2019, 01:53:45 AM
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101 Proofs For God

A growing list of common sense Proofs for God.

Proof for God, #65 Mitochondrial Eve and Y-Chromosome Adam

 Genetic scientists seem to be in general agreement that we are all descendants of one woman and one man. This research was fairly recent, starting about 1978. They, of course, do not believe in the creation story of Adam and Eve in the Bible, but their conclusions are getting closer and closer.

In case you have not heard about this, it makes very interesting reading. But I think it raises a number of profound challenges to the Theory of Evolution.

The scientists base the above conclusions on the known facts of human reproduction, specifically on properties of the sperm and egg. .....
Full article read here:

God is here, and i don't think that God need any scientific proof, we should ask our heart then we will get our answer and our questions are here that how make our earth and how make human being and how is the owner of the Universal?
Definitely he is God because He has a huge power and he is one and only, and he is not like us.  

I asked my heart and it told me that you are a faggot, must be true then huh? It also told me your god is fake and the real god is actually a flying spaghetti monster, do you believe me or not?

When we can't find a solution then we should educated ourself, so same situation is here in our faith, we should define ourself what is actually we are?
When we are in childhood, we can't understand high qualifies questions, but when we get education then easily we find it. However, we should get education about our faith then in the end you will find your answers.
But i see in different religious most of the people worship too many Gods, I disagree with it. My point is God is only ONE, . It is same like, in one kingdom has only one King.      
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
June 10, 2019, 07:16:10 PM
^^^ Wow! You have checked out the whole universe and found that God doesn't exist anywhere. Why, to do that, you... you... you must be... god!

Activity: 230
Merit: 10
June 10, 2019, 06:21:27 PM
God does not exist - it is a fact.
I'm deist.
jr. member
Activity: 318
Merit: 1
June 10, 2019, 05:43:57 PM
Only such a question can interest so many people. I'm shocked
hero member
Activity: 1624
Merit: 645
June 10, 2019, 01:45:12 PM
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101 Proofs For God

A growing list of common sense Proofs for God.

Proof for God, #65 Mitochondrial Eve and Y-Chromosome Adam

 Genetic scientists seem to be in general agreement that we are all descendants of one woman and one man. This research was fairly recent, starting about 1978. They, of course, do not believe in the creation story of Adam and Eve in the Bible, but their conclusions are getting closer and closer.

In case you have not heard about this, it makes very interesting reading. But I think it raises a number of profound challenges to the Theory of Evolution.

The scientists base the above conclusions on the known facts of human reproduction, specifically on properties of the sperm and egg. .....
Full article read here:

God is here, and i don't think that God need any scientific proof, we should ask our heart then we will get our answer and our questions are here that how make our earth and how make human being and how is the owner of the Universal?
Definitely he is God because He has a huge power and he is one and only, and he is not like us. 

I asked my heart and it told me that you are a faggot, must be true then huh? It also told me your god is fake and the real god is actually a flying spaghetti monster, do you believe me or not?
Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468
June 10, 2019, 01:43:03 PM
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101 Proofs For God

A growing list of common sense Proofs for God.

Proof for God, #65 Mitochondrial Eve and Y-Chromosome Adam

 Genetic scientists seem to be in general agreement that we are all descendants of one woman and one man. This research was fairly recent, starting about 1978. They, of course, do not believe in the creation story of Adam and Eve in the Bible, but their conclusions are getting closer and closer.

In case you have not heard about this, it makes very interesting reading. But I think it raises a number of profound challenges to the Theory of Evolution.

The scientists base the above conclusions on the known facts of human reproduction, specifically on properties of the sperm and egg. .....
Full article read here:

God is here, and i don't think that God need any scientific proof, we should ask our heart then we will get our answer and our questions are here that how make our earth and how make human being and how is the owner of the Universal?
Definitely he is God because He has a huge power and he is one and only, and he is not like us.  

Assertions based on your culture's myth.

It is called the 'God delusion'.
hero member
Activity: 2506
Merit: 644 - Mars, here we come!
June 10, 2019, 09:47:37 AM
What do you think?
Please share your opinion about this article.

101 Proofs For God

A growing list of common sense Proofs for God.

Proof for God, #65 Mitochondrial Eve and Y-Chromosome Adam

 Genetic scientists seem to be in general agreement that we are all descendants of one woman and one man. This research was fairly recent, starting about 1978. They, of course, do not believe in the creation story of Adam and Eve in the Bible, but their conclusions are getting closer and closer.

In case you have not heard about this, it makes very interesting reading. But I think it raises a number of profound challenges to the Theory of Evolution.

The scientists base the above conclusions on the known facts of human reproduction, specifically on properties of the sperm and egg. .....
Full article read here:

God is here, and i don't think that God need any scientific proof, we should ask our heart then we will get our answer and our questions are here that how make our earth and how make human being and how is the owner of the Universal?
Definitely he is God because He has a huge power and he is one and only, and he is not like us. 
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