God always enjoins you to study ALL that you have basis for recognizing Truth and GIVE YOUR POWER TO NO MAN NOR ENTITY FOR GOD DWELLS WITHIN THE TEMPLE WHICH IS YOU.
This (while I don't recognize the first part as truth, necessarily) is the exact reason why the only reason anybody might read your suggested writings is out of curiosity. Since I haven't been shown that there might be any points of value that might be in your stuff, and since there is a lot more to life that seeking your stuff, why should I waste my time on it?
For example, I need energy to heat my house in winter, and cool it in summer. If someone said to me, If you want to see how to do it for a fraction of what you are paying now, go here
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjGSXKSLpfY and here
http://www.rexresearch.com/schaeffe/schaeffer.htm , I might go if I were interested in looking that kind of thing. I wouldn't go if I were seriously trying to find a practical way to heat and cool my house, because any of the ways that work are out there and being used already. I don't have time to play with ideas.
On the other hand, if I were given the sites along with a couple of points like:
1. Water hammer vibration is put to practical use;
2. Steam is produced from cold water by vibration;
I just might be convinced to go look because there are a couple of points that explain something that is new, but potentially viable.
You don't have any points. All you say is that your way is a better way to heat and cool the house. The little that I have looked at your stuff shows that it is a mishmash of stuff that seems to make sense once in awhile, but seems to be simple meanderings at other times. If that's what you like, have at it.
Have a good life.