To be honest, I haven’t read such a large wall of text in a long time and I think that the essence could have been presented more briefly.
I agree that the topic is somehow long, but at tried to shorten it as much as possible. But I could not shorten it much more, as I had to present the 3 pillars on which Ratimov managed to get his "position of authority" from which he acts like a bully on the forum and intimidates everybody here: 1) win thousands of merits through plagiarism / copy-paste; 2) earn enough appreciation from 1) thus he enters in DT; 3) build an army as a MS. Ultimately, after he consolidated these 3 pillars
he transformed them into a weapon and started acting like a street thug with anyone which dares to confront him. And proving my allegation with evidence needed a long text, indeed...
Nevertheless, I can say that what you said is true, but I have long noticed that after two years on the forum, Ratimov improved his publishing habits
Indeed, he changed -- he did not plagiarize anymore after he was caught doing this. Then again:
if it was no plagiarism, thus he would risk no ban for presenting others' work as being his, why did he stop using the remarkable infamous introduction "
In this article I would like to touch upon such a theme [...]"?
As for the odious figure, I think you forgot to mention that TimeLord built a career by attacking various users of lower ranks, which could not oppose him, since he was also a DT1 user.
Good point! In fact, in the topic which Ratimov hid in the Archival board, hoping nobody finds it there and which he managed to have deleted afterwords (for hiding evidence against him) -- from which I presented some screenshots -- suchmoon made a very good observation there:
So suchmoon also observed the similarity of TL's and Ratimov's actions of bullying and pretending to be a thug in front of others.
TimeLord was eliminated from DT1 and the damage he made was smaller than Ratimov's. TimeLord abused his DT powers but he did not plagiarize. He did not steal anybody's work. Ratimov built his career through this theft. So why is Ratimov kept in DT1, since TL was eliminated for such "flexing of muscles" in front of others?
I could care less if ratimov is or isn't in DT, but I do have a question for you. Would you care if he didn't - you? There are so many that have made DT due to the new system that do not really belong there, but you are not complaining about them, only the 1 who tagged you.
This sounds backwards. As a DT1 member yourself you should care whether a trust abuser such as Ratimov (whose rating on GazetaBitcoin is not appropriate for DT IMO, as well as some others) should be excluded, instead of "what about all those other abusers".
Thank you for pointing this out, suchmoon.
I'm not trying to discredit anything you wrote and i'll be honest, I didn't read it all as it's just too much. Did you try to solve your issue before making this topic?
yahoo, I respect you, but I believe that you should read whole OP first.
Anyway, I wanted to point out an incorrect thing Gazeta says in the text
asked mprep about this, in order to see if it is allowed or not. If it is allowed, my bad. It would mean that Ratimov did not break rule 27, he only stole others' work without breaking rule 27.
In short you left a negative feedback on Ratimov profile because he commit plagiarism and aggressive? that's not correct.
I highly doubt it's incorrect.
Despite Ratimov did such thing, I believe many users still trust him since he earn 10K+ merits and joining in a top campaign.
Of course he is trusted, after he built his whole career on lies and theft.
It's right for you to distrust him, not leaving negative feedback.
Theft deserves negative feedback.
Would you care if he didn't - you?
Speaking for myself:
yes! I've spoken out against several cases that I consider abuse of the Trust system.
I also take this opportunity to reply to yahoo that
yes, I also cared in other situations. Let's take, for example, TL's case, where I
encouraged all his supporters to distrust him for acting like a bully in front of other users.
For what it's worth: I haven't excluded Ratimov, but I don't see his feedback by default. The other users on my Trust list take care of it already.
For consistency purposes, to say the least, perhaps you could act now like in TL's case? It's same matter here.
But worst.
why did he even get so much merit and continues getting even more?
Why he earned so much merits? Because he managed to lure many people that his writings belong to him while, in fact, they were others' work. Why he is still getting merits? There are many answers here. 1) Some don't know what he did in the past; 2) some sided with him no matter what; 3) Some actually do find his posts useful; 4) More merits attract more merits. The lattest is, somehow a curiosity, similar to more money attract more money. Like the poor which become only more poor and the rich which get richer.
is Ratimov the only one here guilty for abusing merit system or has he "being helped" to do this by everyone who has ever sent him at least one merit?
Doing a mistake is in human nature; not correcting a mistake once it was found is bad. Those willing to correct this mistake can do it.
I gave the thread [AOBT] and
this thread a thorough read best I can, I think the problem actually began from
213, where Ratimov appeared [...]
I kindly ask you and all the others as well
to not let yourselves lured once more by this Ratimov. Aren't you seeing how he tries, once, again, to distract you from the main topic and forward the attention to anything else excepting the OP's main subject? I already warned everybody about his slippery way of getting the attention off from him.
^DireWolf spoke very well here, as indeed, Ratimov when he is unable to state something to defend himsef (I mean something true) he usually attacks the accuser. This will be proven a few more times within this topic and it's a disgusting manner and a futile attempt of trying to get the attention of the public off you and direct it to someone else. Ratimov always does these, as I will show below. [...]
^Probably, this statement of The Pharmacist -- a very important member of the forum -- was what determined Ratimov to try to hide his disgusting attacks toward airfinex, attacks which were only meant to distract public's attention from his plagiarism and redirect this attention toward airfinex. [...]
So as you see, once more, he accuses the one stating something about him for the same thing. The same ridiculous way of trying to distract the attention from him towards the one he is talking to, as I explained above. And, of course, presenting no evidence. [...]
This is a dumb way of trying to distract readers attention from him towards someone else -- me, in this case. This is the same behavior used also by TimeLord.
Now he joined this thread and started some back and forth with Learn Bitcoin, in order to distract everybody from the main problem here: his constant abuse of Trust system, which he does for years in a row! Since he got there! It is really not relevant where his attacks from AOBT thread started. What happened there is just one more proof that he weaponized Trust system and uses it whenever he pleases.
The feedback he left though, is retaliatory and false, baseless at best. Now that arguably warrant a tilde. Should it be given, though? By the time I began drafting my post, I can see that he still had that feedback, but I realized he removed it in between the time needed to finish this draft [...]. If he still had it, I'll say yes, it's a trust abuse, but the fact that he's willing to retract them and apologize means he's willing to learn [of course, we can assume there are other possible reason behind that decision, but let's not dwell on that] and admit he made mistakes.
Actually, let's dwell on that. And we should dwell on that because right now he is doing precisely what he did all these years:
- act like a caveman in front of his pray when he wants to bully someone
- damage the dignity / trustworthiness of that person by insulting him in all possible ways, combined with Trust exclusion and / or negative feedback consisting only in insults and with no reference link (obviously, no ref link can be provided when you call someone "degenerate", right? -- unless he would have a medical statement saying the respective one is, in fact, a degenerate -- I hope my sarcasm is not subtle at all)
- realize that what he did only prejudices his own image, in case DT users (and not just them) see him acting again in such disgusting way
- retract his abusive feedbacks and offer "peace", which also involves that the counterparty should retract all he said about Ratimov,
although such allegations were true (!!!)
I already detailed all these in OP and here he is doing the same:
- he left me not 1, but 2 negative feedbacks; he added one more neutral -- "just to be there"; all are buch of shitwords with no reference link and consisting only in insults toward me
- he realizes that some will see his abusive feedbacks so he deletes one of the negative ones and edits the remaining one, in order to contain less insults but he keeps it full of lies
- offers a "generous peace", in order to have me remove my feedback where I state that he is a thief (and I also present evidence for my statements).
I can't believe I am still explaining all these, but what he does is like this:
- beat someone on the street
- apologize
- walk 10 blocks forward
- beat someone else
- apologize again.
The some come up and say: "but the poor man apologized, did he apologize?".
This is a mistake. Beating one or another should not be tolerated. And apologies in such cases are merely nothing. Similar here: he throws negative fedbacks to his left and his right, consisting in nothing but insults then he deletes them once users' attention (especially DT users' attention) is on him. Then someone comes up and says: "but he retracted his feedback, did he?". Or "but he apologized, didn't he?". You see the irony here, holydarkness?
Such thing should not be tolerated in DT.I'll ignore his past sent feedback too, because [as I said previously] I am not that interested in digging dirt or chasing ghost of the past.
His past is very important here. Because it shows that he always acted like this. So what you see now is not a rare incident, but his usual behavior.
My offer still stands.
This will be the only occasion when I am addressing to you here. This topic is addressed by me to other users, so I don't have anything to discuss with you anymore.
My answer to your "peaceful" proposal is the following one: my feedback will stay at your profile until I die or until this forum won't exist anymore. You may shower me in negative feedbacks, you may insult me and my family as much as you can, leave a thousand of negative feedbacks and one more thousand neutral ones, all with no ref link for your insults (obviously, how else?), yet my feedback on your profile will remain there forever. You built a career here on lies, shenanigans, deception, abuses and theft.
I already apologized to the community in that topic for that drama and deleted all my posts.
Good for you! It were even better if you did this with open heart, not only to cover your tracks and your miserable character.
If GazetaBitcoin needs my apology and he was offended by my words, then I also apologize to him for all the dirty words. Nothing personal
Nothing personal?
Nothing personal?You stupid motherfucker, you still won’t calm down. Not only are you an offended idiot, but you are also a fucking whore
you fucking degenerate
Ha ha, stupid motherfucker [...] son of a Romanian whore who was gang-raped.
True, sounds like nothing personal indeed.
I do not approve of such aggressive behavior, so I decided to include him in my exclusion list
I decided to distrust Ratimov when the issue in the AOBT topic happened.
I can only salute your decision to distrust him. Similar, I salute the decision of NeuroticFish for doing the same and the decisions of sheenshane and 1miau and Nestade for deleting him from their Trust lists.