i dati aiutano a capire meglio l'entita' del problema.
Siccome alcuni sostengono che gli exchange aiutano la diffusione delle crypto,
mi piacerebbe quantificare la controparte, ossia quanti utenti rimasti scottati da questi disastri
non ne hanno piu' voluto sapere di crypto.
nota 1) a lista e' lunghissima, non ci sta in un unico post, la spezzo in due: adesso-2021 e 2020-2014 mtgox
nota 2) Non ho inserito i vari "cripto lending" chiusi/falliti, tipo blockfi, vauld ecc dei queli non avevo i dati, quindi la lista sarebbe ancor piu' lunga e desolante.
nota 3) in totale sono (ad oggi) 437 dei quali 185 Just Disappeared, ossia spariti da un giorno all'altro, cosa che deve essere alquanto frustrante se ci capiti dentro,
non hai neanche la piccola speranza di beccarti qualche briciola dal fallimento.
nota 4) ecco le statistiche per anno:
2014 1
2015 0
2016 0
2017 1
2018 23
2019 83
2020 96
2021 104
2022 61
2023 66
2024 2
Tot 437
Nome Tipo Data Fine Motivo
BitForex Centralized Exchanges 2024-02-26 Scam
Bex500 Contract Trading Exchanges 2024-01-16 MIA (Just Disappeared)
CoinField Centralized Exchanges 2023-12-20 Scam
Bittrex Centralized Exchanges 2023-12-04 Business Reasons
Txbit Centralized Exchanges 2023-09-14 Regulatory Reasons
Bitsten Centralized Exchanges 2023-08-31 Scam
BITUNIVEX Centralized Exchanges 2023-06-30 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Bithoven Centralized Exchanges 2023-06-30 MIA (Just Disappeared)
STEX.com Centralized Exchanges 2023-06-20 Hacked
COSS Centralized Exchanges 2023-06-16 MIA (Just Disappeared)
MoonXBT Contract Trading Exchanges 2023-06-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Bitex Crypto Shops 2023-05-15 Business Reasons
CoinFLEX Centralized Exchanges 2023-04-28 Rebranding
Swipe Swap Decentralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Bitni.com Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 MIA (Just Disappeared)
VDollar Exchange Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 MIA (Just Disappeared)
KKEX Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 Business Reasons
YellowMoon Exchange Decentralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 Scam
eXFi Exchange Decentralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Bitvast Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 Business Reasons
Unodax Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 Business Reasons
CROSS Exchange Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 MIA (Just Disappeared)
CBX Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Cryptex Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 Business Reasons
BitQuick Crypto Shops 2023-03-23 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Serenity Exchange Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 MIA (Just Disappeared)
WhaleEx Decentralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 Business Reasons
BitOnBay Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 Business Reasons
Dsdaq Contract Trading Exchanges 2023-03-23 Business Reasons
Vero Exchange Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 Scam
BitOffer Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Hanbitco Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 Business Reasons
Coingi Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 Business Reasons
CoinCasso Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 MIA (Just Disappeared)
BitWell Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 MIA (Just Disappeared)
BITEXBOOK Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 Business Reasons
InfinityCoin Exchange Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 Business Reasons
TomoDEX Decentralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 Business Reasons
NevBit Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 Business Reasons
Btcswe Crypto Shops 2023-03-23 Regulatory Reasons
Bleutrade Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Bitwells Contract Trading Exchanges 2023-03-23 MIA (Just Disappeared)
AltcoinSwap Crypto Shops 2023-03-23 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Tokencan Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 Business Reasons
FinexBox Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 Scam
RippleFox Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Aryana Exchange Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Bvnex Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 Business Reasons
Cryptofresh Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 MIA (Just Disappeared)
YunEx Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 Business Reasons
Switcheo Exchange Decentralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 MIA (Just Disappeared)
EtherDelta Decentralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 MIA (Just Disappeared)
RuDEX Centralized Exchanges 2023-03-23 Business Reasons
Koinbazar Centralized Exchanges 2023-02-24 Rebranding
The Rock Trading Centralized Exchanges 2023-02-21 Business Reasons
CoinDeal Centralized Exchanges 2023-02-19 Business Reasons
LocalBitcoins P2P Marketplaces 2023-02-09 Business Reasons
Bitladon Crypto Shops 2023-02-01 Rebranding
Brokereo FX/Crypto Brokers 2023-01-26 Regulatory Reasons
Coindirect Centralized Exchanges 2023-01-24 Business Reasons
Bitzlato P2P Marketplaces 2023-01-18 Regulatory Reasons
Bamboo Relay Decentralized Exchanges 2023-01-11 Business Reasons
AAX Centralized Exchanges 2023-01-11 MIA (Just Disappeared)
BigoMex Contract Trading Exchanges 2023-01-11 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Decoin Exchange Centralized Exchanges 2023-01-11 MIA (Just Disappeared)
C-Trade Contract Trading Exchanges 2023-01-11 Business Reasons
Liquid Centralized Exchanges 2023-01-07 Regulatory Reasons
Titanex Centralized Exchanges 2023-01-03 MIA (Just Disappeared)
qTrade Centralized Exchanges 2022-12-16 Regulatory Reasons
WBF Exchange Centralized Exchanges 2022-12-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
LocalCryptos P2P Marketplaces 2022-12-01 Business Reasons
DDEX Decentralized Exchanges 2022-12-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
EQONEX Centralized Exchanges 2022-11-22 Business Reasons
BitCoke Centralized Exchanges 2022-11-13 Business Reasons
FTX Contract Trading Exchanges 2022-11-11 Business Reasons
PrizmBit Centralized Exchanges 2022-11-02 MIA (Just Disappeared)
MOV Exchange Decentralized Exchanges 2022-11-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
MBAex Centralized Exchanges 2022-11-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Bits Blockchain Centralized Exchanges 2022-11-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Morrex Centralized Exchanges 2022-11-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Cybex DEX Decentralized Exchanges 2022-11-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Paritex Centralized Exchanges 2022-11-01 Business Reasons
Globitex Centralized Exchanges 2022-11-01 Business Reasons
Float SV Centralized Exchanges 2022-11-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
BitPrime Crypto Shops 2022-11-01 Business Reasons
Deex.Exchange Centralized Exchanges 2022-11-01 Business Reasons
BQT Centralized Exchanges 2022-11-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Mercado Athena Crypto Shops 2022-11-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Bithesap Centralized Exchanges 2022-10-31 Business Reasons
VELIC Centralized Exchanges 2022-10-11 Business Reasons
Swirlwallet Exchange Centralized Exchanges 2022-10-10 MIA (Just Disappeared)
ACDX Exchange Contract Trading Exchanges 2022-10-08 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Mexo Exchange Contract Trading Exchanges 2022-10-03 Rebranding
VCC Exchange Centralized Exchanges 2022-10-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Hoo Exchange Centralized Exchanges 2022-08-17 Scam
GokuMarket Centralized Exchanges 2022-08-01 Business Reasons
TOKOK Centralized Exchanges 2022-07-31 Business Reasons
Bexplus Contract Trading Exchanges 2022-07-18 Business Reasons
DeversiFi Decentralized Exchanges 2022-07-14 Rebranding
Xena Exchange Centralized Exchanges 2022-06-30 Business Reasons
TronTrade Decentralized Exchanges 2022-06-10 Business Reasons
MyCoinStory Centralized Exchanges 2022-06-08 Business Reasons
NebliDex Decentralized Exchanges 2022-06-01 Business Reasons
Dove Wallet Centralized Exchanges 2022-05-04 Rebranding
Cryptster P2P Marketplaces 2022-05-01 Regulatory Reasons
BaseFEX Contract Trading Exchanges 2022-05-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
IDCM Centralized Exchanges 2022-04-28 Rebranding
LinkCoin Centralized Exchanges 2022-03-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
SaBi Centralized Exchanges 2022-03-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Crex24 Centralized Exchanges 2022-02-09 Scam
Simex Centralized Exchanges 2022-02-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
SatoExchange Centralized Exchanges 2022-02-01 Business Reasons
CoinBene Centralized Exchanges 2022-02-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Artis Turba Centralized Exchanges 2022-01-28 Business Reasons
OKEx Centralized Exchanges 2022-01-18 Rebranding
BitClude Centralized Exchanges 2022-01-13 Rebranding
AllCoin Centralized Exchanges 2022-01-12 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Jubiter Centralized Exchanges 2022-01-12 Business Reasons
CoinPark Centralized Exchanges 2022-01-12 MIA (Just Disappeared)
xFutures Contract Trading Exchanges 2022-01-12 MIA (Just Disappeared)
BTC Exchange Centralized Exchanges 2022-01-12 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Linkkoin Centralized Exchanges 2022-01-12 MIA (Just Disappeared)
eINTRO Centralized Exchanges 2022-01-12 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Bitcoin Of America Crypto Shops 2022-01-12 MIA (Just Disappeared)
AOFEX Centralized Exchanges 2022-01-12 MIA (Just Disappeared)
BHEX Centralized Exchanges 2022-01-11 MIA (Just Disappeared)
EtherMium Decentralized Exchanges 2022-01-03 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Swaplab Decentralized Exchanges 2022-01-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Exrates Centralized Exchanges 2022-01-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Anyswap Decentralized Exchanges 2021-12-16 Rebranding
Binance JEX Contract Trading Exchanges 2021-12-01 Regulatory Reasons
BiKi Centralized Exchanges 2021-11-30 Regulatory Reasons
Bingbon Contract Trading Exchanges 2021-11-18 Rebranding
Coineal Centralized Exchanges 2021-11-15 Business Reasons
EXX Centralized Exchanges 2021-11-11 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Kryptono Centralized Exchanges 2021-11-11 MIA (Just Disappeared)
SprinkleXchange Centralized Exchanges 2021-11-11 Rebranding
MultiSwap Decentralized Exchanges 2021-11-11 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Cash2PM Crypto Shops 2021-11-11 MIA (Just Disappeared)
EMX Contract Trading Exchanges 2021-11-11 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Burst Asset Exchange Decentralized Exchanges 2021-11-11 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Fintechonex Centralized Exchanges 2021-11-11 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Cryptox Centralized Exchanges 2021-11-11 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Tidebit Centralized Exchanges 2021-11-11 MIA (Just Disappeared)
HCoin Exchange Centralized Exchanges 2021-11-11 MIA (Just Disappeared)
RightBTC Centralized Exchanges 2021-11-11 MIA (Just Disappeared)
CRXzone Centralized Exchanges 2021-11-10 Rebranding
BitBay Centralized Exchanges 2021-11-08 Rebranding
Linkswap Decentralized Exchanges 2021-11-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Poloni DEX Decentralized Exchanges 2021-11-01 Business Reasons
1nvity.io Decentralized Exchanges 2021-11-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Bitinfi Centralized Exchanges 2021-11-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
EXNCE Centralized Exchanges 2021-11-01 Business Reasons
Saturn Network Decentralized Exchanges 2021-11-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
World Markets FX/Crypto Brokers 2021-11-01 Scam
MixCoins Centralized Exchanges 2021-11-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Loopring Exchange Decentralized Exchanges 2021-11-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
BiONE Centralized Exchanges 2021-11-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Daybit Centralized Exchanges 2021-11-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
LOEx Global Centralized Exchanges 2021-11-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
BitRabbit Centralized Exchanges 2021-11-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Braziliex Centralized Exchanges 2021-11-01 Business Reasons
RADAR RELAY Decentralized Exchanges 2021-11-01 Rebranding
BEPSwap Decentralized Exchanges 2021-11-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
JustSwap Decentralized Exchanges 2021-10-20 Rebranding
Coinzo Centralized Exchanges 2021-10-11 Regulatory Reasons
Bit-Z Centralized Exchanges 2021-10-08 Regulatory Reasons
Coinfloor Centralized Exchanges 2021-10-04 Rebranding
Hydax Centralized Exchanges 2021-10-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
FinanceX Centralized Exchanges 2021-10-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Bitribe Centralized Exchanges 2021-10-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Bitcoin.com Exchange Centralized Exchanges 2021-09-29 Rebranding
Bidesk Centralized Exchanges 2021-09-29 Regulatory Reasons
CoinHe Centralized Exchanges 2021-09-01 Business Reasons
Bitalong Centralized Exchanges 2021-09-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Bgogo Centralized Exchanges 2021-08-31 Rebranding
Bitsonic Centralized Exchanges 2021-08-07 Business Reasons
Xtheta Global Centralized Exchanges 2021-08-01 Hacked
CoinEgg Centralized Exchanges 2021-07-15 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Swiftex Centralized Exchanges 2021-07-15 MIA (Just Disappeared)
UPEX Centralized Exchanges 2021-07-15 Business Reasons
USD-X Centralized Exchanges 2021-07-15 MIA (Just Disappeared)
CoinX.pro Centralized Exchanges 2021-07-15 MIA (Just Disappeared)
CCXCanada Centralized Exchanges 2021-07-15 Business Reasons
ACX Centralized Exchanges 2021-07-15 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Bitsdaq Centralized Exchanges 2021-07-15 MIA (Just Disappeared)
BitAsset Exchange Centralized Exchanges 2021-07-15 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Vinex Network Centralized Exchanges 2021-07-15 Regulatory Reasons
BBX Centralized Exchanges 2021-07-15 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Bitmaszyna Centralized Exchanges 2021-07-15 MIA (Just Disappeared)
LongBit Centralized Exchanges 2021-07-15 MIA (Just Disappeared)
LakeBTC Centralized Exchanges 2021-07-15 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Folgory Centralized Exchanges 2021-07-13 Scam
DueDEX Contract Trading Exchanges 2021-07-10 Business Reasons
ATOMARS Centralized Exchanges 2021-07-08 Hacked
Joyso Decentralized Exchanges 2021-06-30 Regulatory Reasons
COINBIG Centralized Exchanges 2021-06-14 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Einax Centralized Exchanges 2021-06-12 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Covesting.io Centralized Exchanges 2021-06-11 Rebranding
Gobaba Centralized Exchanges 2021-06-10 Business Reasons
Hubi Centralized Exchanges 2021-06-10 MIA (Just Disappeared)
MXC Centralized Exchanges 2021-06-08 Rebranding
HitBTC Centralized Exchanges 2021-05-26 Scam
BKEX Centralized Exchanges 2021-05-17 Scam
C2CX Centralized Exchanges 2021-05-10 Regulatory Reasons
Vebitcoin Centralized Exchanges 2021-04-26 Regulatory Reasons
Sistemkoin Centralized Exchanges 2021-04-26 Business Reasons
Thodex Centralized Exchanges 2021-04-25 Hacked
HBTC Centralized Exchanges 2021-04-25 Rebranding
Eterbase Centralized Exchanges 2021-04-22 Business Reasons
Bitit Crypto Shops 2021-04-15 Regulatory Reasons
Rfinex Centralized Exchanges 2021-04-10 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Lukki Exchange Centralized Exchanges 2021-04-10 Scam
Piexgo Centralized Exchanges 2021-04-01 Business Reasons
Metal X Exchange Centralized Exchanges 2021-03-29 Business Reasons
BitMax Centralized Exchanges 2021-03-22 Rebranding
Allbit Centralized Exchanges 2021-03-22 Business Reasons
iCE3 Centralized Exchanges 2021-03-16 Business Reasons
Coinhub Centralized Exchanges 2021-03-15 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Trade by Trade Centralized Exchanges 2021-03-15 MIA (Just Disappeared)
6x Centralized Exchanges 2021-03-15 MIA (Just Disappeared)
UniDAX Centralized Exchanges 2021-03-11 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Crypterum Centralized Exchanges 2021-03-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
Coinall Centralized Exchanges 2021-03-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
dex.blue Decentralized Exchanges 2021-02-28 Rebranding
KuMEX Contract Trading Exchanges 2021-02-25 Rebranding
TokensNet Centralized Exchanges 2021-02-02 Business Reasons
HB.top Centralized Exchanges 2021-02-01 MIA (Just Disappeared)
GBX Digital Asset Exchange Centralized Exchanges 2021-01-13 Rebranding
DSX Centralized Exchanges 2021-01-12 Business Reasons
Ternion Centralized Exchanges 2021-01-01 Business Reasons
Coinsuper Centralized Exchanges 2021-01-01 Business Reasons
KKCoin Centralized Exchanges 2021-01-01 Regulatory Reasons