After UFC 311 next event is also cool. We will have Adesanya vs Imavov. That will be a huge test for Imavov, and a first sign for Adesanya retirement and end of peak form, as this is first time he is facing highly above average opponent but not top of top.
Yes, UFC 312 will be amazing. Are you focused on Adesanya vs Imavov fight? Haha, I'm focused on DDP VS Strickland because DDP is one of my favorite fighter (partly because Dana hates him and I love everyone who scumbag Dana hates). By the way, DDP VS Strickland trashtalk was another level in UFC after Conor McGregor's trashtalks. DDP is a kind of guy who is silent and okay if you don't touch him but once you touch him, he becomes a savage. The way he trashtalked Strickland was brutal.
Here is the link to that legendary trash talk I'm talking about: Bro, why you so angry? Bro, you think your dad beat the shit out of you? Your dad doesn't have a shit on me, I'm gonna show you what it's like to beat you
-Strickland-: Dricus
-Dricus-: All, every childhood memory you have is gonna come back when I'm in there with you. Every single one, the one where you lie at bed at night and your dad comes in and beats the shit out of you...
This speech is forever in my memory after watching this trash talk for the first time and these guys here tell me that it's hard to remember 12 words seed phrase for Electrum wallet.
Okay, I had some fun
Also we spoke about Shara Bullet, his eye and possible ban in fighting in US or UFC, but he ie fighting against Page
Shara Bullet is phenomenal. Look at
this video, what a double spinning backfist. The guy has only one eye but his eyesight is as great as of Bald Eagle.
Is he Khabib's cousin too? He is Magomedov (Khabib is Nurma|Gomedov) and he is from Dagestan too. By the way, I'm impressed that there is someone from Dagestan who is a striker and not a wrestler. This country probably is doing some scientific experiment to produce the best warriors in the world.