
Topic: Why do Atheists Hate Religion? - page 293. (Read 901342 times)

Activity: 1260
Merit: 1003
November 11, 2015, 03:51:47 PM

I was asking BitNow if he read the bible, not you. I know your thoughts on the bible. But BitNow believes in the Pope, and the Pope supposedly believes in the bible.

Thumbs up.

And I'm trying to explain my uncle that faith people do not get over it so easily.

Best regards.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
November 11, 2015, 03:46:15 PM
Have you read the bible?

I have only read some bits and pieces; many books are called "Bible", and none of them are completely valid. I see that your interpretation of that Bible is like so:
 "God will take care of you. You need do nothing. You are not responsible. Christ is your Savior".

Actually, that is a deception. The true meaning of what Jesus said is:

"Except through the Christed path of Godness shall ye enter into the Father's Kingdom--and I represented that LIGHT. It mattered not what label I bore as Man--but the Truth within MY BEING which marked the passage--the Christed passage."

Why do you not take "the kingdom of God is within you" into account as part of your theology? That phrase demonstrates that the "proof" of God's existence and "coming" will be revealed WITHIN YOU!

Have you read Phoenix Journal #32: I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE?

The only true reality is the inner reality, which is called LIFE, TRUTH, LIGHT. The Kingdom of God is a psychological state. It is not expected, it is present everywhere and nowhere. It is a state of beatitude which cannot be demonstrated by miracles or by scriptures, which offers no promise or reward, but is its own proof, its own miracle and reward.

Again, there are lies in that Bible and Paul's Doctrine is the worst lie of all:

Did I do the things of which I stand accused? Like what? "He looked on them with anger," "He assailed them (him)," "He rebuked him," "He menaced him." And "Finding no fruit on a fig tree, I withered it with my curse that no man should eat fruit of it forever thereafter." And how about this one? "Those who do not do the will of the Father in heaven, "JESUS" WILL DENY AT THE LAST JUDGMENT!" Where are your EARS, friends? What right have I to even BE at YOUR judgment? Much less would I assume to DENY your entry into God's house. And why, indeed, would I destroy a fig tree when it was reasonable that it was out of season or barren? Could it be that MAN misled you and incorrectly projected the tale for your consumption? If they supposedly "crucified" me by the lie, is it not possible that a few other little errors might have slipped through? God gave YOU minds with which to reason, I remind you again and again until I hope you sicken of it.

I was asking BitNow if he read the bible, not you. I know your thoughts on the bible. But BitNow believes in the Pope, and the Pope supposedly believes in the bible.
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1003
November 11, 2015, 03:41:35 PM

Or a woman (Queen Elisabeth II).

Best regards.

Ugh! Now you hold allegiance to Queen Elizabeth as well as the Pope? If they are not part of the same group, you just might be in big trouble with both of them.

Why I need trouble?

Why do you place such importance on our agreement of something. It's between us.

Why do you think that the Pope is the vicar of Jesus? Since Jesus said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan,"
calling Peter the devil, why is it that you want to bow down to the authority of the devil?


You need better excuses to exterminate communism wherever it is.

You need better excuses to find science wherever it is.

Best regards.

The only true reality is the inner reality, which is called LIFE, TRUTH, LIGHT. The Kingdom of God is a psychological state. It is not expected, it is present everywhere and nowhere. It is a state of beatitude which cannot be demonstrated by miracles or by scriptures, which offers no promise or reward, but is its own proof, its own miracle and reward.


This is the physical state of a Double Cheeseburger with onions.

Go Yankees! Go!

full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
November 11, 2015, 03:38:47 PM
Have you read the bible?

I have only read some bits and pieces; many books are called "Bible", and none of them are completely valid. I see that your interpretation of that Bible is like so:
 "God will take care of you. You need do nothing. You are not responsible. Christ is your Savior".

Actually, that is a deception. The true meaning of what Jesus said is:

"Except through the Christed path of Godness shall ye enter into the Father's Kingdom--and I represented that LIGHT. It mattered not what label I bore as Man--but the Truth within MY BEING which marked the passage--the Christed passage."

Why do you not take "the kingdom of God is within you" into account as part of your theology? That phrase demonstrates that the "proof" of God's existence and "coming" will be revealed WITHIN YOU!

Have you read Phoenix Journal #32: I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE?

The only true reality is the inner reality, which is called LIFE, TRUTH, LIGHT. The Kingdom of God is a psychological state. It is not expected, it is present everywhere and nowhere. It is a state of beatitude which cannot be demonstrated by miracles or by scriptures, which offers no promise or reward, but is its own proof, its own miracle and reward.

Again, there are lies in that Bible and Paul's Doctrine is the worst lie of all:

Did I do the things of which I stand accused? Like what? "He looked on them with anger," "He assailed them (him)," "He rebuked him," "He menaced him." And "Finding no fruit on a fig tree, I withered it with my curse that no man should eat fruit of it forever thereafter." And how about this one? "Those who do not do the will of the Father in heaven, "JESUS" WILL DENY AT THE LAST JUDGMENT!" Where are your EARS, friends? What right have I to even BE at YOUR judgment? Much less would I assume to DENY your entry into God's house. And why, indeed, would I destroy a fig tree when it was reasonable that it was out of season or barren? Could it be that MAN misled you and incorrectly projected the tale for your consumption? If they supposedly "crucified" me by the lie, is it not possible that a few other little errors might have slipped through? God gave YOU minds with which to reason, I remind you again and again until I hope you sicken of it.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
November 11, 2015, 03:38:23 PM
Quote from: BitNow
All this thinking just to avoid the Pope and his/her authority?

Best regards.

Ignoring all this thinking simply to justify bowing down to a Man... the Pope.


Or a woman (Queen Elisabeth II).

Best regards.
Ugh! Now you hold allegiance to Queen Elizabeth as well as the Pope? If they are not part of the same group, you just might be in big trouble with both of them.

In addition, it is not the behavior that saves. The work of Jesus on the cross, and His resurrection, is what saves. The closest that good behavior might come to saving is, absence of bad behavior will not gradually tear a person away from faith like bad behavior can.


Agreed. Smiley

Why it is so important to agree each other why you can agree with the Pope (that is the Vicar of Jesus Christ on Earth) and be in Peace with all the rest of the World?

Best regards.

Why do you place such importance on our agreement of something. It's between us.

Why do you think that the Pope is the vicar of Jesus? Since Jesus said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan,"
calling Peter the devil, why is it that you want to bow down to the authority of the devil?

Activity: 1260
Merit: 1003
November 11, 2015, 03:32:15 PM

There are MANY people in this world who don't believe in Jesus, that is why "few there be that find it." (Matthew 7:14)

Why are you singling out the Jews? Everyone needs to come through Jesus to be saved. Have you read the bible?

Why are you asking question to me? I'm not the Vicar of Jesus Christ on Earth.

Do you believe I'm more important that the Holy Father that you make questions directly to me?

Best regards.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
November 11, 2015, 03:26:41 PM
If you are a true follower of Christ, you will do what He did, you will become more Christ-like.
So, you are in agreement with me that you can be a Christian even without belief in a savior?

No. Jesus was quite clear on needing to come through Him, no matter how much you want to deny it.

Jesus Christ is not dead.

1 Corinthians 15:12 Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13 But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: 14 And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain. 15 Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not.

16 For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised: 17 And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. 18 Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished. 19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. 20 But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. 21 For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming.

How about the Jews? They don't believe in Jesus Christ.

What are you going to say to them if they need to be saved?

Best regards.

There are MANY people in this world who don't believe in Jesus, that is why "few there be that find it." (Matthew 7:14)

Why are you singling out the Jews? Everyone needs to come through Jesus to be saved. Have you read the bible?
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1003
November 11, 2015, 03:24:24 PM

Jesus Christ is not dead.

1 Corinthians 15:12 Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13 But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: 14 And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain. 15 Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not.

16 For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised: 17 And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. 18 Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished. 19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. 20 But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. 21 For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming.

How about the Jews? They don't believe in Jesus Christ.

What are you going to say to them if they need to be saved?

Best regards.
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
November 11, 2015, 03:20:44 PM

In addition, it is not the behavior that saves. The work of Jesus on the cross, and His resurrection, is what saves. The closest that good behavior might come to saving is, absence of bad behavior will not gradually tear a person away from faith like bad behavior can.

Agreed. Smiley
Actually, this "Doctrine of Paul", that "The work of Jesus on the cross, and His resurrection, is what saves", is a BIG LIE.

Paul was, by any label, the most devoted enemy of Jesus and destroyed that which was established in the name of Christ--by any label of the day, then or now--that being was a deceiver and changed his name from Saul (of Tarsus) to Paul that he might fool the people into believing his resurrection in Truth. He did great service unto Man for you must come into discernment now, so that you can KNOW Truth from the WORD--WHICH IS GOD.

Quote from:
Mine scribe, Druthea, watched with some amusement a "Christian" TV Minister on the yesterday. He was speaking about his perception of God's "Grace". He said words to the effect, "You need do NOTHING to receive God's Blessings and Grace". (Sounds a bit like the "just BE" philosophy of many New Agers, does it not?) "We humans believe we must "work" to earn God's Grace. This is NOT true. We must accept CHRIST as our Savior. HE has taken our burden for us." There is the catch; Christ has taken responsibility for YOU! Do you see how deceptive the adversary is? "God will take care of you. You need do nothing. You are not responsible. Christ is your Savior" nauseam!

I am not YOUR savior. YOU are your Savior. And the good news is YOU will EARN your way into God's Grace by standing responsible for self and obeying THE LAWS OF GOD/CREATION. It is really so simple, chelas. You see, GRACE also is a wondrous quality of EFFORTLESS GIVING AND REGIVING BY GOD!
It comes down into your day that I resisted not anything--brothers, this is lie--I resisted and got myself killed for the effort. I was labeled as unable to struggle or had no "capability" for struggle and that is somehow set up as an ethical principle. All I can say in this regard in this particular paragraph is that you had better cease and desist such an illusion right now. This is part of the lie handed down to you in order to render you helpless and docile and totally without reasoning stance.

Each decade a NEW LIE is introduced unto you sleeping masses and repeated until it becomes your very illusion. There was no mention in the original writings of "Jews", Zionists, "Raptures", etc. How dare you think that you can dump your load of transgressions on the shoulders of any INNOCENT Man and you get off with some nice RAPTURE TO PARADISE? How dare you!

I said that I would intercede and petition on behalf of you who were ignorant of Truth that you might be shown mercy in your ignorance--I DID NOT POUR FORTH MY BLOOD NOR LIFE THAT YOU SHOULD GET FREE OF YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES. NO MAN CAN DO THAT FOR ANOTHER-- NO MAN! EACH WILL ANSWER FOR SELF-- ONLY SELF!

The only true reality is the inner reality, which is called LIFE, TRUTH, LIGHT. The Kingdom of God is a psychological state. It is not expected, it is present everywhere and nowhere. It is a state of beatitude which cannot be demonstrated by miracles or by scriptures, which offers no promise or reward, but is its own proof, its own miracle and reward. Its proofs are inner lights, feelings of pleasure and self-satisfaction--peace. The problem is, then: How shall you live in order to feel that you are in heaven or this state of grace, at all times divine, the child of God? For this sense of beatitude is the sole reality.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
November 11, 2015, 03:20:29 PM

So the rest of the world is in peace with the Pope?

Jesus is the way, not a man on earth (the pope).

Matthew 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Jesus Christ is dead.

Are you living in reality or on your own mind?

Best regards.

Jesus Christ is not dead.

1 Corinthians 15:12 Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13 But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: 14 And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain. 15 Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not.

16 For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised: 17 And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. 18 Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished. 19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. 20 But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. 21 For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming.
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
November 11, 2015, 03:14:22 PM
If you are a true follower of Christ, you will do what He did, you will become more Christ-like.
So, you are in agreement with me that you can be a Christian even without belief in a savior?

I know you don't believe He's our savior, but even you say we should become like Christ in our actions (the fruit of the spirit).

Well, not exactly; you see, Christ is not a name. Also, we should follow the example of Emmanuel (Jesus), but we definitely do NOT need to be martyrs; we should love one another, and that requires taking responsibility for your own awakening, it means directing ALL of your TRUST and FAITH toward GOD who exists within YOU. That is how we can realize spiritual fruit. I don't think it can be done by dumping your wicked actions upon another.

I don't believe we have to, in order to be saved. But if we are saved, we will exhibit these Christ-like behaviors.
Anyone can be deceived by appearances. For example, all of the orange trees around here yield fruit which is bitter and tastes nasty. Anyone can show love to their neighbor, but a good person must also have total desire to not make wrong choices during the journey unto home and Source.

What is demanded is a mode of being not an outward action, which merely follows from the being.

The essential is the obedience of Man's whole heart and being. God has written His law within the heart of Man and therefore it is only the remembering which is in contention. Man must cease lying unto self--that he remembers and knows not the law!

Faith is indispensable for admission to the Kingdom of Heaven. It is the prerequisite of salvation and it is itself salvation--for a man will-become that-which he visions and believes and in which his faith resides.

I healed the sick as I walked about the places of those ancient lands? Did I? No--through the faith of the bearer of spirit and faith--did the God within heal of self. I only knew the strength and unlimited ability of God within myself and within those believing ones. I said then and I say now, your faith makes you whole. I only gave the suggestion in the name of our Father/Creator that has again and again been used all over the world to banish or induce what appears to be "abnormal" phenomena. Only one who "believes" can experience such effects which are now familiar to your medical and psychological experience. But I did more than perform miracles by suggestion, dear ones. I forgave sins. I allowed the person in punishment of self to relieve his heart of the burden of punishment placed upon self and expressed in the deviation from perfection.

When it is stated that "your sins are forgiven you", it is then the "faith" of the forgiven who releases the burden through faith. The cure is present in order that men, seeing this power, may be convinced of God's power to forgive errors and thus, so can Man forgives self. This is why you must ask in truth and desire and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall be led into the finding; knock, and the way will be opened unto you.

But Man should accept all this as a gift, knowing that he has not somehow "deserved" it for when you shall have done all those things which are commanded you, you must recognize that you have only done that which was your duty.
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1003
November 11, 2015, 03:12:08 PM

So the rest of the world is in peace with the Pope?

Jesus is the way, not a man on earth (the pope).

Matthew 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Jesus Christ is dead.

Are you living in reality or on your own mind?

Best regards.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
November 11, 2015, 03:08:25 PM
Quote from: BitNow
All this thinking just to avoid the Pope and his/her authority?

Best regards.

Ignoring all this thinking simply to justify bowing down to a Man... the Pope.


Or a woman (Queen Elisabeth II).

Best regards.

In addition, it is not the behavior that saves. The work of Jesus on the cross, and His resurrection, is what saves. The closest that good behavior might come to saving is, absence of bad behavior will not gradually tear a person away from faith like bad behavior can.


Agreed. Smiley

Why it is so important to agree each other why you can agree with the Pope (that is the Vicar of Jesus Christ on Earth) and be in Peace with all the rest of the World?

Best regards.

So the rest of the world is in peace with the Pope?

Jesus is the way, not a man on earth (the pope).

Matthew 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1003
November 11, 2015, 02:57:38 PM
Quote from: BitNow
All this thinking just to avoid the Pope and his/her authority?

Best regards.

Ignoring all this thinking simply to justify bowing down to a Man... the Pope.


Or a woman (Queen Elisabeth II).

Best regards.

In addition, it is not the behavior that saves. The work of Jesus on the cross, and His resurrection, is what saves. The closest that good behavior might come to saving is, absence of bad behavior will not gradually tear a person away from faith like bad behavior can.


Agreed. Smiley

Why it is so important to agree each other why you can agree with the Pope (that is the Vicar of Jesus Christ on Earth) and be in Peace with all the rest of the World?

Best regards.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
November 11, 2015, 02:39:31 PM
If just one person can believe in a religion and not want to kill anyone, then blaming religion for murders is wrong and you need to start blaming the people not their religion for the killings.
Double-edged sword here.

If just one person does not believe in a religion and does a good deed, then it's the person that must get credit for the good deed, not the irreligion. Effectively making religion obsolete; well the good deed parts anyway.

That's why we test the fruits of the spirit, not the words of the mouth to find true Christ-followers.

How so, MMH? You have said that "Christians believe that Christ is savior", but that is "just a belief", it is just words of the mouth. To follow the example of Jesus is to yield spiritual fruit. But to attest that he is your savior is nothing but talk; by the way, he never ONCE suggested that he was your savior.

If you are a true follower of Christ, you will do what He did, you will become more Christ-like. I know you don't believe He's our savior, but even you say we should become like Christ in our actions (the fruit of the spirit).

I don't believe we have to, in order to be saved. But if we are saved, we will exhibit these Christ-like behaviors.

In addition, it is not the behavior that saves. The work of Jesus on the cross, and His resurrection, is what saves. The closest that good behavior might come to saving is, absence of bad behavior will not gradually tear a person away from faith like bad behavior can.


Agreed. Smiley
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
November 11, 2015, 02:22:23 PM
If just one person can believe in a religion and not want to kill anyone, then blaming religion for murders is wrong and you need to start blaming the people not their religion for the killings.
Double-edged sword here.

If just one person does not believe in a religion and does a good deed, then it's the person that must get credit for the good deed, not the irreligion. Effectively making religion obsolete; well the good deed parts anyway.

That's why we test the fruits of the spirit, not the words of the mouth to find true Christ-followers.

How so, MMH? You have said that "Christians believe that Christ is savior", but that is "just a belief", it is just words of the mouth. To follow the example of Jesus is to yield spiritual fruit. But to attest that he is your savior is nothing but talk; by the way, he never ONCE suggested that he was your savior.

If you are a true follower of Christ, you will do what He did, you will become more Christ-like. I know you don't believe He's our savior, but even you say we should become like Christ in our actions (the fruit of the spirit).

I don't believe we have to, in order to be saved. But if we are saved, we will exhibit these Christ-like behaviors.

In addition, it is not the behavior that saves. The work of Jesus on the cross, and His resurrection, is what saves. The closest that good behavior might come to saving is, absence of bad behavior will not gradually tear a person away from faith like bad behavior can.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
November 11, 2015, 02:18:27 PM
Right, and in regards to religion, it is said that "faith is believing what you know ain't true".

People have said or written just about every short saying that can possibly be spoken or written. Why not express the rest? "Faith is believing what you don't know is true." There is a great difference in the meanings of these two expressions. The first is the expression of a liar. The second is the expression of an investigator.

How so, BADecker? Are you trying to tell me that if I have faith in Jesus as my savior, then I will become an investigator? It seems to me like I would be more prone to "sitting around waiting for the rapture", and there would be no reason to ask questions since I am already saved, what more could I *ask* for? Furthermore, since the world is wicked, do you not think we should effort at changing it instead of sitting around and waiting for its destruction?

Are you ALSO trying to tell me that if I have faith that one of these Bibles is the supreme WORD, coming directly from GOD, then I will become an investigator? It seems to me that by doing so, I would be more prone to shutting out all other knowledge and all other books that may have a divine origin, and by doing so I would fall into a trap of narrow-mindedness.

If you want to be an investigator, then ALL of your TRUST and FAITH must be directed toward GOD who exists within YOU. Therein will your freedom from the bondage of limited physical adversarial perception be earned. Did you read that clearly? YOU WILL EARN YOUR SPIRITUAL UNITY BY ACCESSING THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD WITHIN YOU. And your "proof" will be forthcoming through FAITH and the return of your free-will to God. For your "proof "of God's existence and "coming" will be revealed WITHIN YOU! FOR THERE IS WHERE EXISTS THE KINGDOM OF GOD…WITHIN YOU!!
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No, no, no. You miss the point.

All I was saying was that anybody who has faith in something that he knows isn't true is a liar, at least in part. I mentioned it because you said, "faith is believing what you know ain't true."

The way I said it was to admit that somebody somewhere has said almost anything that there is to say. Why would I express that? Because I had never heard it said the way you said it, before.

Then I expressed it the way I had heard it... "Faith is believing what you don't know is true."

There is a difference. The difference lies in knowing something is not true, and not knowing that it is true. If you know that it is not true, you know that it is false. If you don't know that it is true, you don't know that it is false either. These are completely two different points and statements.

Since you were the one who stated it in liar fashion rather than a benefit-of-the-doubt fashion, it matches, perfectly, who you are.

hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
November 11, 2015, 01:54:49 PM
If just one person can believe in a religion and not want to kill anyone, then blaming religion for murders is wrong and you need to start blaming the people not their religion for the killings.
Double-edged sword here.

If just one person does not believe in a religion and does a good deed, then it's the person that must get credit for the good deed, not the irreligion. Effectively making religion obsolete; well the good deed parts anyway.

That's why we test the fruits of the spirit, not the words of the mouth to find true Christ-followers.

How so, MMH? You have said that "Christians believe that Christ is savior", but that is "just a belief", it is just words of the mouth. To follow the example of Jesus is to yield spiritual fruit. But to attest that he is your savior is nothing but talk; by the way, he never ONCE suggested that he was your savior.

If you are a true follower of Christ, you will do what He did, you will become more Christ-like. I know you don't believe He's our savior, but even you say we should become like Christ in our actions (the fruit of the spirit).

I don't believe we have to, in order to be saved. But if we are saved, we will exhibit these Christ-like behaviors.
hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 500
November 11, 2015, 01:30:02 PM
If just one person can believe in a religion and not want to kill anyone, then blaming religion for murders is wrong and you need to start blaming the people not their religion for the killings.
Double-edged sword here.

If just one person does not believe in a religion and does a good deed, then it's the person that must get credit for the good deed, not the irreligion. Effectively making religion obsolete; well the good deed parts anyway.

That's why we test the fruits of the spirit, not the words of the mouth to find true Christ-followers.

But you understand concept through action which is done with mouth like religious saints word and you can understand what is religion from them only because they elder as well as religious knowledge people. if atheist follow this then they will also like religious thoughts
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
November 11, 2015, 01:23:35 PM
Right, and in regards to religion, it is said that "faith is believing what you know ain't true".

People have said or written just about every short saying that can possibly be spoken or written. Why not express the rest? "Faith is believing what you don't know is true." There is a great difference in the meanings of these two expressions. The first is the expression of a liar. The second is the expression of an investigator.

How so, BADecker? Are you trying to tell me that if I have faith in Jesus as my savior, then I will become an investigator? It seems to me like I would be more prone to "sitting around waiting for the rapture", and there would be no reason to ask questions since I am already saved, what more could I *ask* for? Furthermore, since the world is wicked, do you not think we should effort at changing it instead of sitting around and waiting for its destruction?

Are you ALSO trying to tell me that if I have faith that one of these Bibles is the supreme WORD, coming directly from GOD, then I will become an investigator? It seems to me that by doing so, I would be more prone to shutting out all other knowledge and all other books that may have a divine origin, and by doing so I would fall into a trap of narrow-mindedness.

If you want to be an investigator, then ALL of your TRUST and FAITH must be directed toward GOD who exists within YOU. Therein will your freedom from the bondage of limited physical adversarial perception be earned. Did you read that clearly? YOU WILL EARN YOUR SPIRITUAL UNITY BY ACCESSING THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD WITHIN YOU. And your "proof" will be forthcoming through FAITH and the return of your free-will to God. For your "proof "of God's existence and "coming" will be revealed WITHIN YOU! FOR THERE IS WHERE EXISTS THE KINGDOM OF GOD…WITHIN YOU!!
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