Quick RecapBecome a legendary zeight (zeit knight) and help us to help others. Think of it like King Arthur and his Round Table, every one at the Table is Equal.
A Group of Men & Women banding together to make the Way of Zeit a worldwide reality.
The ZeitKnight's End Game,
To make this World a Better Place for All who reside in it.
By making zeitcoin into a tool that can help someone next door or someone across the world.
When we get zeitcoin to $1 and still have a free faucet which we as knights still fund with our Zeit Interest , it will help people worldwide. And they can decide for themselves how best to use it to help themselves. Once the knight registrations in 2015 are over they can start voting on all of the other stuff they want to say and how they want to say it.
Technically Zeitcoin is a Virtual Resource that is made by personal computers,
To make a Zeitcoin , you need CPU Labor, Electricity, Internet connection, & Time,
We combine those resources to make a Zeitcoin.
Bitcoin fails to meet requirements necessary to carry out what Zeitcoins is able to do.
Generating Bitcoins is already controlled by industry and is already unprofitable to mine for many, which will get worst in 2016 at its next halving, plus it has a limited number 21 million, not enough for a global world wide adoption even in the satochis.
Zeitcoins gains interest by each zeitcoin wallet helping to secure the network and is managed by the millions of people already using it. It's interest rate & sheer number of coins are some of the key factors that will make it possible to become a worldwide tool in virtual & physical realms. Plus it speed far exceeds bitcoins.
It current price point and the fact it was battered for so long and still survived make it the perfert coin to do this with, plus the fact that most of the people behind this coin have been looking for a way to make this world a better place long before there was a bitcoin.
ZeitKnights Current Goal List
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.9883182Proof of Knight
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.9839828Charities to Sponsor once the price of zeitcoin is higher
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.9874339Zeit Slogans
Any Questions or Suggestions , Post Away , All Ideas Welcome.
All Members must have 100 million Zeitcoins as a requirement of being part of the Zeit-Knights.